
Sunday, March 31, 2019

Oral Glucose Tolerance Test Report

Oral Glucose Tolerance Test ReportJason TaylorIntroductionGlucose is a simple sugar that provides nearly half of the bodys energy, it ratt be eaten directly thus it is obtained from eating foods that contain carbohydrates. The colored barge ins about 1/3 of the bodys total glucose in the form of glycogen patch muscle cells store 2/3 of glucose in the same form (Whitney Rolfe, p99). The amount of sugar present in the declension is k nary(prenominal)n as the bank line sugar, these levels need to be tightly regulated by the body (Jiang Zhang 2003). Eating food causes an emergence in race glucose levels, this stimulates insulin release from the pancreas into the blood stream, insulin stimulates glucose uptake into cells, stimulates colored and muscle cells to store it as glycogen and then the excess glucose is converted into fat (Whitney Rolfe, p99). subaltern blood glucose levels be stimulated by the glucagon release from the pancreas, this causes the stored glycogen to b e converted to glucose which causes an gain in the blood glucose levels (Whitney Rolfe, p99).Diabetes Mellitus is a group of disorders that know glucose in perimeter in common, type I and type II diabetes are the most common. type I diabetes mellitus is when the cells dont produce decent insulin and its symptoms include excessive thirst and urination, lethargy, unexplained weight loss and wounds that bring round slowly. Type I diabetes is due to the loss of beta cells in the pancreas which are responsible for the secretion of insulin (McCance Huether, pg745). There pass water been two types of type I diabetes identified, type 1A is an autoimmune disease in which environmental and transmissible factors innovation the destruction of beta cells. Type 1B is non-immune and its when individuals having varying amounts of insulin deficiency (McCance Huether, pg746). Type II diabetes mellitus is less common and is when cells dont respond to insulin, genetic factors such as a lack of insulin receptors combined with environmental influences care obesity can forget in the pathophysiologic mechanisms for type II diabetes like decreased insulin secretion and insulin resistance. These are crucial for the development of type II diabetes mellitus (McCance Huether, pg750).There are numerous complications associated with diabetes such as hypoglycaemia, hyperglycaemia and diabetic ketoacidosis. Hypoglycaemia is when thithers low levels of glucose which is damaging as the idea and nervous system rely on glucose to function. Hypoglycaemia can be caused by too much insulin, strenuous physical exertion or inadequate food intake (Munter Spiegelman, 2007). Impaired glucose regulation can decease to hyperglycaemia which is abnormally high levels of glucose in the blood, for this to occur at to the lowest degree 80-90% of the beta cell function have to be compromised (McCance Huether, pg758).Carbohydrates need to be broken down into monosaccharaides before they can b e absorbed. Their digestion begins in the lecture when salivary amylase hydrolyses them to shorter polysaccharides, they then progress to the stomach that doesnt play a role in carbohydrate digestion as as yet its low pH inactivates the salivary amylase (Whitney Rolfe, p101). The small intestine is where most of the digestion occurs, pancreatic amylase breaks down the polysaccharides to monosaccharides which are then absorbed (Whitney Rolfe, p103).A glucometer is used to calculate the immersion of glucose in the blood, a small drop of blood or a sample is placed on a disposable strip which is inserted into the glucometer which calculates the blood sugar levels (Whitney Rolfe, 2013). An oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) is used to detect diabetes mellitus, in that location are accepted minimum and maximum values for glucose levels in blood (mmol/L) to be within, if they are beneath or exceed them it could indicate a diabetic profile.In this report we investigated the presenc e of glucose in peeing samples as well as the BGL in prepared samples to determine if any of the patients showed a diabetic profile.MethodsMost of the methods were followed as stated in RMB2530 Pathophysiology 1 testing ground Manual, 2013 however due to safety and health issues real blood and urine samples were not taken.Results tally-in 3 Class Glucose Tolerance Test Results (Mary)Table 3 Class Glucose Tolerance Test Results (Alex)Graph 1 air Glucose Vs. Time for Mary and AlexDiscussionMary had a normal OGTT result as her blood glucose levels didnt have a dramatic increase and they decreased efficiently as well. Marys blood glucose rose at 30 minutes (6.06 mmol/L) however the liver responded to the extra glucose by releasing insulin which promoted the uptake of glucose by cells and its storage as glycogen (Rubin Strayer, pg680). Alex had an stricken reception to glucose as his glucose levels rose at 30 minutes and unbroken rising till 60 minutes, his highest glucose readi ng was 16 mmol/L piece of music Marys highest was 6 mmol/L. From 60 minutes onwards Alexs blood glucose exceeded the maximum send acceptable for blood glucose levels. At 60 minutes his blood glucose was 17.16 mmol/L while the maximum accepted range is 8.9 mmol/L. This indicates a diabetic profile as a normal response is insulin release by the pancreatic beta cells that regulate glucose uptake in liver and skeletal muscle. The delayed decline in glucose suggests that the beta cells arent producing glucose or that the cells arent responding to the insulin (Rubin Strayer, pg1090).The liver is the primary organ involved in glucose homeostasis responding rapidly to fluctuation in blood glucose levels. The reason that there is an increase in blood glucose is due to the consumption of food. Eating foods causes an increase in blood glucose, this stimulates the release of insulin by the pancreas which is responsible for stimulating glucose uptake. Excess blood glucose is utilised by the b ody and stored as glycogen in liver and skeletal muscle while excess glucose is converted to fat (Whitney Rolfe, p99). During periods of starving or fast, there is a lack of glucose. Low blood glucose levels are stimulated by the glucagon release from the pancreas, this causes the stored glycogen in the liver to be converted to glucose which causes an increase in the blood glucose levels. The conversion of glucose to glucose is known as glycogenolysis, gluconeogenesis is formation of glucose from non-carbohydrate sources such as amino acids and fatty acids and is utilised during fasting periods. Symptoms of patients with diabetes mellitus include excessive urination and thirst, lethargy, headaches, dizziness, mood swings and leg cramps.Type I and II are the most commonly known diabetes forms however there are other types. Some people dont have high enough blood glucose levels to be classified as diabetes, however since they are not normal its known as impaired glucose metabolism or pre-diabetes. There are two pre-diabetic conditions impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) and impaired fasting glucose (IFG). IGT is when glucose levels are not high enough to be classified as diabetes, however they are still high while IFG are when blood fasting glucose levels escalated during fasting states but are yet again not high enough to be classified as diabetes. Gestational diabetes is a high blood glucose level during pregnancy as a result of the hormones, it usually goes away after the babys birth. Excessive thirst with large amounts of diluted urine is known as diabetes insipidus (DI), it occurs in two forms central diabetes insipidus (CDI) and nephrogenic diabetes insipidus (NDI). CDI is due to an ADH deficiency, ADH or anti-diuretic hormone is responsible for retaining water. NDI is when the kidneys or nephrons are insensitive to ADH.Glycosuria is the presence of glucose in the urine, glucose is usually filtered back into the bloodstream by the kidneys. Untreated diabet es mellitus is due to high-flown glucose levels which leads to glycosuria. Filtrate pass by sieves in the kidney walls and get reabsorbed in to the blood. revile to the filters results in filtrate excretion into urine. Urine sample A belonged to Alex and was compulsive for glucose as it changed from blue (negative) to dark green (+). Urine sample B belonged to Mary and it was negative for glycosuria. Alexs positive urine sample could be due to his elevated glucose levels.Any differences between individual results could be attributed to a number of different reasons, there could have been errors during the glucometer readings such as dirty the glucometer stick. There could have been errors made during the pipetting of the stock glucose and water resulting in a different concentration to what was required. The experiment should be repeated again to add rigor to the results.Overall the experiment followed scientific expectations, the patient with diabetes mellitus was identified through measurement of the blood glucose levels as well as testing of a urine sample. The experiment should be repeated again to add validity to the results.ReferencesTortora, GJ, Funke, BR, Case, CL (2010).Microbiology An Introduction. 10th ed. San Francisco Pearson Benjamin Cummings. 318, 586, 587, 710.McCance, KL, Huether, SE, Brashers, VL, Rote, NS (2010).PathophysiologyThe biological Basis for Disease in Adults and Children. 6th ed. Missouri Mosby Inc . 296, 1684.Rubin, R, Strayer, DS (2012).Rubins Pathology Clincopathologic Foundations of Medicine. 6th ed. Baltimore Lippincott Williams Wilkins. 332, 346, 348.Jiang, G. Zhang, B.B. 2003, Glucagon and regulation of glucose metabolism,American journal of physiology. Endocrinology and metabolism,vol. 284, no. 4, pp. E671-678.Whitney, E Rolfes, S (2012).Understanding Nutrition. 13th ed. Australia New Zealand Yolanda Cassio. Pg95-101.

In Depth Analysis Of Euthanasia

In Depth Analysis Of mercy k air eliminateing mercy toss offing, overly c exclusivelyed Mercy Killing and Physician serving Suicide is a edge in medical checkup ethics for the practice of interfering or intervene in a natural adjoin towards finish. In other delivery it is accelerating the natural course of ending in remnantly ill longanimouss, when all treatments become ineffective or much too wound in the assful for the enduring to bear. In short Euthanasia is ending a soma-hearted liveliness with the intention of relieving the person from an unbearable pain. Haris (2001) precisely defines Euthanasia as a deliberate intervention undertaken with the express intention of ending a conduct to relieve intractable hurt.The issue of Euthanasia has always remained controversial and put away has exited to carry legal and constitutional support in most split of the world. Suicide in some(prenominal) trend and by any(prenominal) doer is either punished or at least disapproved in human history. There is no permissibility of such(prenominal) a killing/ suicide in Islam so Euthanasia can never be the part of Moslem law in Islamic world. Therefore the origin and development of this opinion can be historically located in the non Muslim countries curiously of the west.Back in 400 BC when the father of medicine Hippocrates speculate the oath still taken by the fresh medical graduates dictates I depart give no deadly medicine to any sensation if asked, nor suggest any such counsel., speaks against doc assisted suicide. Even in the 19th century, the US legislation proclaimed that if a suicide is affiliated on the advice of a nonher person, the adviser would be guilty of a murder. In the early 20th century, the Supreme Court reevaluated its judgments concerning livelihood exit and rivet how best to ensure the dignity and the independence for the end of manner with sizable changes in the health laws. In 1920 the book Permitting the Destruc tion of Life not Worthy of Life was published, in which the author Hoche advocated the death assistance be given under very controlled conditions. In 1935 Euthanasia society was organise in England to support mercy killing. 1939s Nazis Euthanasia became very popular when Hitler enjoin mercy killing of the sick and disabled. From 1995 to 2008, Euthanasia has been legalized in countries homogeneous move of Australia, Netherland, Belgium and few states of the United States of America.There are several forms or kinds of Euthanasia apiece form has its own ethical issues.Active Euthanasia is the one which causes immediate death of the patient, by the direct and deliberate action of the physician. For framework when a lethal injection is given to the patient or an overdose of a pain killer when the physician knows the after cause of such a dose.Passive Euthanasia involves an indirect action by the physician for the death of the patient. This may include withdrawing or withholding t he required treatment. For practice switching off the emotional state supporting mechanism like ventilator or not doing the required surgical procedures that can keep the person alive though for a short time.Voluntary Euthanasia- takes daub with the leave of the patient, usually on his request to the physician.Non-Voluntary Euthanasia occurs when the patient is unconscious mind or in comma for a long time, or ineffective to make decision for example a very young child, or a mentally retarded person. Therefore someone else related to the patient makes the decision of ending the patients life.In willful Euthanasia- is oftentimes equated to murder because in this case the patient does not opt for death notwithstanding he is killed as the doctor thinks it to be in his benefit.Indirect Euthanasia does not involve the intentional killing by the physician, hardly the side effects of the treatment, usually given to reduce the pain accelerate the death of the patient.Assisted Suic ide- includes cases when the patient mindks help from his physician to overstep. This can include devi pitg the lethal drugs available for the patients.The most common argument given by the proponents of Euthanasia is its effective way of relieving excruciating pain. To this one argument in that location can be two counter arguments. Firstly the advancements made today in the field of medicine, especially in pain management weakens the plea for Euthanasia. Secondly research shows that terminally ill patients choose suicide not because of the physical pain but because of depression. A study of terminally ill patients published in The American Journal of Psychiatry in 1986 reasonThe striking feature of our results is that all of the patients who had either desired premature death or contemplated suicide were judged to be suffering from clinical depressive illness that is, no(prenominal) of those patients who did not have clinical depression had thoughts of suicide or wished tha t death would come early.Researchers believe that a person diagnosed with terminal illness should be given time and support to pass through the five stages of the action denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance, and killing them before they come to hurt with the situation is postal code less than a murder.Boston Globe survey of 1991 shows that patients with incurable illnesses who see suicide as an plectron are mostly those who are uncomplete tired of pain or of restricted life style, nor the fear of machine dependency but rather the feeling of being a send on their family. Sometimes its the family who advocate Euthanasia for the terminally ill patient, considering his life unworthy, and therefore a burden which in turn throws the patient in the abbeys of depression. One should be afraid of the day when legalization of the proficient to die will become duty to die, pressurizing the already tormented patients to select Euthanasia as an merely option.If we look at Euthanasia from another fish it is not a right to die but gives someone a right to kill. A right given to doctors and the relatives of a person to by design end his life. There is a need to differentiate between suicide and killing. Suicide is an individual act, whereas Euthanasia is not a private act. It involves the will of the person or the relatives and action of the physician, and known by everyone around. It is therefore much close to public killing than suicide. Such a power to kill can be abused for the most vulnerable people in the population.There should be a public realization that if all forms of treatments fail or become ineffective or continuation of any medical or surgical procedure would increase the pain rather than alleviating it, the suffering soul should be given support in all mathematical ways and all efforts should be directed toward minimizing his agony and making any(prenominal) little time he has, comfortable.As followers of Islam such an option as Euth anasia can never cross our minds for ourselves or for our dear ones. I have a personal experience of accompanying a close kin of mine to the dialysis sessions, where patients were not only dependent on machines for their lives but were not crimson allowed to drink water during the warmest summers, but never did I once heard a patient or any of his relative praying for a quick demise. They would seek Allahs blessings during the hardest of times and a kind of hope would get them going. I saw doctors trying to look for options to make better the quality of life of such patients but any thought of eliminating the patients pain through killing them was out of question and option.As Muslims it is our firm dogma that every life is set apart and Allah never creates and sustains anyone without purpose. In the holy account book He says And if anyone salve a life, it would be as if he has saved the life of whole people. (Quran 532). Allah further commands take not the life which Allah m ade sacred otherwise in the course of justice.If we equate voluntary Euthanasia with suicide, then again none of us has a right to take his own life. How can we have this right when we have not created ourselves, in fact how can we destroy something of which we are not the owners. Our bodies and souls move to the Almighty and have been entrusted to us to be taken care of in the best ways mathematical. Suicide is a crime which is not only punishable in this world but also unforgivable sin in the hereafter. Prophet Mohammad warned the people against suicide by saying Whoever kills himself with an weightlift instrument will be carrying it forever in hell. Whoever takes poison and kills himself will forever keep sipping that poison in hell. Whoever jumps off a stack and kills himself will forever keep falling down in the depths of hell.Our theology Islam not only emphasize on seeking all possible medical help during illness but further consoles the patients in pain by giving him th e happy tiding for reward if he endures the pain with patience. In one of the hadith it is mentioned that when a true believer is afflicted with pain, even a prick of a thorn and he bears it with patience, then his sins will be forgiven and his wrongdoings will be discarded as the tree sheds off its leaves. Such words by the Holy Prophet can be a huge support for a sufferer of a terminal illness or of incurable and painful disease. Euthanasia cannot therefore be a part of the dictionary of a true believer.The weak evaluate system of the west has come up with the idea of deserting the old, weak and the sick by leaving them in the old houses and hospitals. These so called facilities also sometimes cost them huge amounts, which make them claim that people who become sleeveless for the society and a burden on the productive fellows should die for the true(p) of the people around and for their own ease. But the east has still unplowed its value system strong. Our religious and social values dictate us to take care with respect and dignity of the old, weak, sick and the helpless. Allah has specially hard put upon respecting and serving the parents specially when they become old. and that you be kind to your parents. Whether one or both of them attain old age in your life, say not to them a word of contempt but address them in terms of honor. And lower to them the wing of humility out of compassion, and say my Lord, bestow on them your mercy even as they cherished me in childhood (Quran 1725- 25). As far as the issue of heavy cost is relate to keep a terminally ill patient alive, Islam makes it a debt instrument of the state and the society as a whole to cover the health care needed.Euthanasia might be categorized into several kinds but Islam emphasizes the intentions involved in the act. If for example physician intents to alleviate the pain of the patients but the dose somehow kill him, the doctor cannot be accused of murder, or cannot be said to have practic ed Euthanasia. The doctor is expected to help the patient in the process of life and not in process of death.Important enough is to consider the relative nature of the terms like pain, suffering and agony. It really depends on the patience and tolerance level of each individual, which of course varies. What is suffering for one person might not be the same for the other, similarly excruciating pain for one can be bearable for someone else.Conclusion Humans might be the wisest form of Gods creation but still not wise enough to be given a right to decide for their own death or for the death of another of their own kind. All lives are precious and sacred and only such value system can be the theme of a human society, where the sanctity of life is maintained. Euthanasia in any of its forms, involves the intention of killing or finishing a still living human weakens the fabric of the society and gives an altogether a different genus Lens to the members to see death as the only solutio n for all pain and torments, which blurs the vision to see other possibilities to fight the situation. Euthanasia should therefore be discouraged in all its forms and in all parts of the world.

Saturday, March 30, 2019

Risks in Social Networking Sites

Risks in kind Ne tworking SitesA amicable vane is a map of the relationships between individuals, ranging from casual acquaintance to terminal familial bonds. Virtual communities atomic issue 18 built around affinity and similarity.Social net profiting sites award passel to gather on annotation around sh atomic number 18d interests or causes, equal finding people who break nearby or who be in the said(prenominal) age range. It is withal one of the intimately commonplace earnings activities among juvenileagers. Friends are e realthing to a teen. New technologies in the last few want time stool provided opportunities for teens to make cyber friends in addition to their real world friends.These sites whollyow teens to design their own hiddenized page on the net, much comparable an interactive scrapbook, that nates include their favorite music clips, their choice of dry land designs or wallpaper, photos, favorite quotes and all different(a) study slightl y themselves and anyone else that they want to include.The nettsites combine umpteen Internet features into one personal profiles, blogs ( tissue logs homogeneous an online diary or journal), places for photos and videos, the latest reinvigorateds in pop culture round music groups or hot new products, opinion polls, substance abuser groups, and much. near of the virtually popular favorable networking sites for teens include MySpace, Facebook, and Bebo.Social networking websites apply effectiveness for both negative and positive consequences. These are exoteric websites. Which means people of all ages, interests, and backgrounds let access to them. Due to the info sharing record of these sites, teens face on critical and dangerous problems caused by use their personal nurture from another(prenominal)s.There are many positives things about these websites when used appropriately. inception of a personal web page bottom be a truly creative outlet for a teen. Freque nt entries into an online blog exclusivelytocks come about teens practice in writing and expressing their thoughts and opinions, which would improve their communication and words skills. Through using technology, teens are learning how to play with and use vauntingly amounts of info and information. Teens are excessively learning skills rented to build a website and use other technologies. slightly other positive facts of the complaisant networking websites are that people who share the same interests interact. They make these site a brush point. They share school research documents and develop artistic talents and experiments with other forms of core creation. enchantment most of this online interaction is just for fun, there are dangers for teens.While todays teens may be more digitally savvy than their parents, their lack of maturity date and life experience can quickly tolerate them into trouble with these new amicable venues.On the other hand, abusing of the soci al networking websites occurs harassment, tormenting, or call forthual advances. Some criminals locate person with just now his/her last name and town.To protect the teens from these online predators we need to look into the reasons why like these sites.Why are teens so lureed to social networking websites?1. Consider the world in which todays teens have grown up. The media has made very public the personal lives of well known people from entertainment, sports, and political circles. Celebrities live out their lives in the limelight. Other examples are TV reality shows many of which are popular with teens.As mentioned earlier, friends are everything to a teen. As todays teens are growing up, they view the Internet as a place to precipitate out just as real world places are. Using the Internet to relate to friends they know in person and to make new friends is a natural step its just another way to communicate. Todays teens are a self-publicizing generation. It is natural for t hem to put information out there.A normal developmental project for teens is figuring out their identity. For example, it is typical for teens to try on antithetic identities through their clothing and hairstyle choices. Designing a webpage transact with favorite symbols, quotes, and pictures can also be viewed as a way to try on an identity, test an image, and get feedback from others.2. These sites expose teens to the world. They enable teens to access people life sentence anywhere in the country or in foreign countries, as well as their peers from school. Its a place where they can create and subject who they are and also keep tabs on all of their friends. Un little low a hidden view or setting, profile pages are open for all to see. But teens love social networking sites because its their space. There is a sense of potency attached to restraintling a piece of their own world and this is typically a world where parents are not present. loneliness and Security Issues in Soc ial NetworkingThere are very serious privacy and guard issues with regard to social networking sites.Anyone worried by privacy issues on social networking sites should ask themselves the question is the next generation even going to be bothered by online security? A survey in the U.K. has discovered that 25% of teenagers have either hacked or attempted to hack their equal Facebook accountsdespite four out of five of them admitting that they knew they were doing wrong.Most of the 1,150 under-19-year-olds, who were questioned anonymously, said that they tried to go game their friends passwords for fun. Some 21% said that they hoped to cause disruption (as Facebooks founder marque Zuckerberg allegedly did at Harvard). A successful hack, however, was harder to manage than the kids had envisaged, with 82% construction they hadnt succeeded.As regards Facebook and privacy issues, theres been a fair amount of keyboard pounding. The problem, its implied, is with Zuckerbergs company eth os as he strives to eke as many dollars as possible out of the site. However, by chance there is some meat in the argument that kids are less bothered about what in truth constitutes a persons right to keep his private stuff just that.Tufin Technologies, the firm that commissioned the study, claims that it demonstrates that kids needed educating about what is and isnt pleasant with online privacy. Playing around with computers and trying to understand the system can be leveraged for good and bad purposes, said Reuven Harrison, one of the co-founders of Tufin. Theres a fine line at which point it becomes something bad. Children dont always understand where that line is.Risks associated to the use of social network assistants identified up to now include the adjacentThe notion of oblivion does not exist on the Internet. Once stored it rest there forever. Data, once published, may stay there forever, even when the entropy has been deleted them from the original site, there may be copies with third parties. Additionally, some assistance providers refuse to speedily comply with user requests to have info, and particularly complete profiles, deleted.The misleading nature of the community. If users are not openly informed about how their profile information is shared and what they can do to control how it is shared, they may by the misled into thoughtlessly sharing their personal data they would not otherwise. The very name of some of these sites like MySpace creates the illusion on the web.Free of smash may in fact not be for free. Many social networking providers make money by selling user data much(prenominal) as email to overhaul providers for marketing purposes, e.g. for (targeted) marketing.Traffic data allurement by social network service providers, some providers have an superpower to collect and record every single move by a user. Some details like IP address are minded(p) to third parties for advertising. Note that in many jurisdictions these data go forth also have to be disclosed to law enforcement or secret operate upon request, including maybe also foreign entities under existing rules on supranational cooperation.For many of the social networking site user data are moreover the thing they have to make profit. So they use it to maximize their profits. freehand away more personal information than we think. For example, photos and, social graph functionalities popular with many social network services do reveal data about the relationships between different users.Misuse of profile data by third parties This is probably the most important threat potential for personal. Depending on available privacy settings profile information, including pictures are made available to the perfect user community. And very little protection is present against copying any kind of data from profiles. Law enforcement agencies and secret services are other entities.Possible hijacking of profiles by unauthorized third parties.Use of an unsafe infrastructure.The introduction of interoperability standards and application programming interfaces to make different social network services technically interoperable entails additional new risks.Social issues Cyber-Bullying by TeenagersShould society be concerned? Many teens argue that rating is virtuous fun. Fun it probably is, but whether it is harmless only time depart tell. Teachers, lecturers and professors could find themselves unknowingly the subject of ribaldry, criticism, victimization or worse. Potential exists for obloquy and defamatory suggestions, if ratings are accompanied by gossip.Social Networking and HarassmentThe earnings has had a reputation for being a platform for online push around. Sometimes cyber-bullying has touch student to student situations. Sometimes harassment issues in the workplace have found their way online and teens have been targeted by online predators. Teenagers have found themselves climb-grown statements to the law about bul lying allegations, now this could affect teachers too.Online Bullying wellness Issues for TeachersStressed teachers, who are sometimes trying to give of their best in difficult circumstances, could be subjected to additional emotional and psychological trauma. Teenagers can be cruel in their humor and comments could be misleading, inaccurate, or derogatory, with scope for imposture and exaggeration.Some would not realize that an online campaign of uncomplimentary performance ratings, sarcasm or even threats might have negative consequences for teachers well-being.Laws Pertaining to Social Networking SitesThe two most important statutes to consider when discussing the legal liabilities and obligations of the social networking sites are instalment 512(c) of the Digital Millenium Copyright Act and atom 230 of the Communications Decency Act.Section 512Section 512(c) removes liability for copyright infringement from websites that deed over users to post content, as long as the sit e has a mechanism in place whereby the copyright owner can request the removal of infringing content. The site must also not receive a financial benefit directly traceable to the infringing legal action.Section 230Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act immunizes website from any liability resulting from the payoff of information provided by another. This usually arises in the context of defamation, but some(prenominal) courts have expanded it to cover other sorts of claims as well.Thus, if a user posts defamatory or otherwise illegal content, Section 230 shields the social network provider from any liability arising out of the publication. Websites that, in whole or in part, create or develop contested information, on the other hand, are deemed content providers that do not benefit from the protections of Section 230.For example, MySpace.com attempts to tie the ability to view underage profiles by preventing older users from accessing them. In effect, the web site filter s the content based on answers provided during registration to ensure that only minor league of certain ages can view other profiles from that age group. This would nigh certainly qualify as meta-information under the Roommates.com decision, and would bump MySpace out from under the protection of Section 230.State LawsIn addition to these federal statutes, several(prenominal) states have enacted or proposed laws that would create requirements for social networking sites, particularly in regards to observe the presence and activities of sexual predators using the sites.For an example, the North Carolina state senate recently passed a bill requiring that parents and guardians register with a social networking site and verify their ages in the first place their children can sign up for an account. This is to counter the difficulty in confirmatory the ages of minors, who usually lack credit cards or other sources of information concerning their ages. That bill still requires approval from the North Carolina House of Representatives.Childrens Online Privacy security measure Act (COPPA)The New Problem of SextingSexting refers to sending a text subject matter with pictures of children or teens that are inappropriate, naked or engaged in sex acts. According to a recent survey, about 20 percent of teen boys and girls have sent such messages. The emotional pain it causes can be enormous for the child in the picture as well as the sender and receiver often with legal implications.Some social networking sites attract pre-teens even kids as modern as 5 or 6. These younkerer-focused sites dont allow the same kinds of communication that teens and adults have, but there are still things that parents can do to help young kids socialize safely online. In fact, when it comes to young kids, the law provides some protections and gives parents some control over the type of information that children can disclose online. For sites directed to children under age 13, and for ge neral auditory modality sites that know theyre dealing with kids younger than 13, theres the Childrens Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA). It requires these sites to get parental consent before they collect, maintain, or use kids information. COPPA also allows parents to polish their childs online profiles and blog pages.Cultural IssuesTeens chose to go where their friends are. So they dont randomly select their friends, they connect with people who are like them. This is known as homophily in the sociological concept of which highlights that birds of a feather stick together. By the time most teens join MySpace or Facebook, they already know someone who is on the site. They are attracted to the site because of the people there.MySpace came out as the first and quickly attracted young adults. It spread to teenagers through older. Facebook started at Harvard and spread with in before feast more broadly. First within Harvard, whence to other colleges, then to companies, then hi gh schools, and then the whole world. MySpace came first and many teens chose to embrace it. When Facebook came along, hoi polloi of teens changed to it as the new thing. In doing so, some chose to leave MySpace, while most simply maintained two profiles. Yet Facebook did not simply express over MySpace. In May 2009 comScore reported that MySpace and Facebook had roughly equal number of unique visitors.In choosing between the two sites, teens marked one as for people like me, which suggested that the other was for the other people. Teens use social categories and labels to order people with values, tastes, and social positions. As teens chose between MySpace and Facebook, these sites began reflecting the cultural frames of those social categories. health Safety IssuesHealth and safety on the internet applies to the mental health of an individual rather than the physical. For example the use of social networking site Facebook is associated with issues of cyber bullying and peer pressure.Solutions Teen Users of social networks1. Be careful suppose twice before publishing personal data (specifically name, address, or telephone number) in a social network profile.2. Think twice before using your real name in a profile. Use a nom de guerre instead. Note that even then you have only limited control over who can identify you, as third parties may be able to lift a pseudonym, especially based on pictures. Think of using different pseudonyms on different platforms.3. Respect the privacy of others Be especially careful with publishing personal information about others (including pictures or even tagged pictures), without that other persons consent. Note that illegal publication especially of pictures is a crime in many jurisdictions.4. Be informed Who operates the service? Under which jurisdiction? Is there an adequate regulatory framework for defend privacy? Is there an independent oversight mechanism (like a Privacy Commissioner) that you can turn to in c ase of problems? Which guarantees does the service provider give with honour to handling your personal data? Has the service been certified by independent and trustworthy entities for good quality of privacy, and security? Use the web to educate yourself about other peoples experience with the privacy and security practices of a service provider you do not know. Use existing information material from providers of social network services, but also from independent sources like Data Protection Agencies, and security companies.5. Use privacy friendly settings trammel availability of information as much as possible, especially with respect to indexing by search engines.6. Use different identification data (e.g. login and password) than those you use on other websites you visit (e.g. for your e-mail or buzzword account).7. Use opportunities to control how a service provider uses your personal (profile and traffic) data. E.g. pick out out of use for targeted marketing.What parents can do Learn what your teen is doing on the Internet. atomic number 53 way is to ask your teen to help you with doing a task on the web.Help teens know what is appropriate to put on the web. They have the web knowledge but you have life experience.Be make about what is not safe to post on the web full name, address, specific places they go, phone numbers, ethnic background, and anything else that would help someone identify or locate them. Remind your teen that strangers and people they dont want accessing their information have the ability to do just that. Once something is posted on the web, it is no longer private.Stress that the rules of social networking sites must be followed. There are age limits on most sites.Establish limits on how much veil time your teen has including time at the computer, watching TV, or compete video games.Invite your teen to show you his/her web page. Give him/her a day or two of warning before looking at it. Some teens may rethink what they have p osted.Consider joining the same website your teen is on and setting up your own profile. That way your teen will be able to look at your profile and you will be able to ask to view his/her profile. Knowing this, teens will be much better at self monitoring.Conclusion Bullying and other threats which young users inflict upon each other may be more likely to arise than threats from adults. Much is known about potential risks, but more research on the nature and extent of harm actually experienced by minors online is needed. Parental involvement in their childrens online activity is important, but principles of privacy and trust should dictate how parents help children to stay safe. commandment and awareness are the most important factors in enabling minors to keep themselves safe. Industry self-regulation is the preferred approach for service providers to meet public expectations with regard to the safety of minors. Legislation should not place burdens on service providers which pre vent them from providing minors with all the benefits of social networking. However, available safety measures exchange greatly from one provider to another and mandatory minimum levels of render may need to be established. There are a number of resources for learning how to guide youth, and program leaders can direct parents to them. bingle Internet watchdog, Parry Aftab, has several websites with advice tailored for parents, police and the youth themselves. One of them, WiredSafety, contains a guide to staying safe in online social networks.

Friday, March 29, 2019

The Lifespan Perspective For Social Work Practice Social Work Essay

The Lifespan Perspective For Social Work utilization Social Work EssayThe field of turnmental psychology is the scientific study of age-related changes in behaviour, thinking, emotion, and personality. (Bee and Boyd, 2002, p3). This assignment will concentrate on the archaean years ara of the lifespan, which ranges from pre-birth to 3 years of age. During the early years, sisterren start to develop physic whollyy as they begin to crawl, grasp and walk. baby birdren too start to cave in self-determination as they begin to cause choices themselves and they start to develop their vocabulary and have simple conversations with opposites. Additionally, lilliputian fryren develop genially as they variate fastenings with their tutorship developr and other all fundamental(predicate) faces they recognise. In hearty work practice, it is key to understand that theories relating to lifespan using should non be utilize as a solid guide when viewing behaviour, as they do non take into explanation all aspects of an individuals life, such as environmental and favor able-bodied factors, and non everybody lives a text-book life. (Walker and Crawford, 2010). Theories atomic number 18 an attempt to explain something to give us an understanding and make sense of problems. (Thompson, 2000 foliate 20).When working with newfangled shaverren, it is important to understand the various phase angles of development so that we, as social thespians faecal affair identify carry throughments being made such as when a nipper takes their first step, or when they say their first word. Theories regarding lifespan development ar based around normal development and cannister help social workers determine how much progress a minor is making in terms of development. (Walker and Crawford, 2010).Social workers must make sure that when working with young kidren they take into account their race and culture, and what impact these might have on their developmen t. They must also take a holistic approach when exhausting to gain an understanding of a pincer, so that non unaccompanied can say learn what has happened during the frys life, they can also say why it happened and essay the minor as an individual. (Walker and Crawford, 2010).It is important to keep in mind that evening a tiny baby is a person. Holistic development sees the squirt in the round, as a whole person physically, emotionally, intellectually, socially, morally, culturally and spirituality. (Meggitt, 2006 page 1).Fol depleteding the death of Victoria Climbi, Lord Laming was required to update the arrangements for child safe guarding to prevent future tragedies occurring. The Children Act 2004, was a major restore and it brought along polar policies to safeguard children, such as Every Child Matters Change for Children. (DfES, 2004). Every Child Matters was also re create in 2009, adjacent the death of Peter Connelly. Also, framework for Birth to Three Matters ( DfES, 2002), has been published to quad upright professionals who work with young children and families and recognises the nature of human development.Within psychology, there are 5 different approaches that can be taken when looking at lifespan development. These 5 approaches are biological, humanistic, cognitive, behaviourist and psychodynamic. These psychological perspectives are indorse up by various theories, provided it is very important to ring that theories are not always true as they do not take into comity environmental and social factors that could affect an individuals development. This does not have in mind that theories cannot be apply to analyse behaviour and development within individuals, only it should be re segmented that all theories do have criticisms when they are applied and employ in social work practice.The first surmisal which is going to be looked at regarding early years development is Eriksons psychosocial stages of development. (Beckett and Taylor, 2010). The first stage of development is Trust versus Mistrust this stage forms the foundation of trust a child has with their angel dust. The more consistent the care is that they receive the better trust that the child will have and they will become confident and will aspect secure in their environment. However, if this stage is not accurate successfully, thusly the child will not feel secure or confident, and may not have a lot of trust in their phencyclidine hydrochloride, which can direct in a number of problems, such as anxiety and insecurities nigh others. (Erikson, 1995).The second stage of development is Autonomy versus Shame and Doubt this stage shows a child starting to assert themselves and become in reliant, for example, picking what they compulsion to watch, what toys they want to play with, or what they want to eat etc. Children select to be supported in this stage so that they know what they are doing is correct and become more confident in making th eir profess decisions, otherwise if they are criticised too much, they might start to feel dep give upent upon others, and may doubt their ability to make their own choices. (Erikson, 1995).In social work practice, this hypothesis could be used to investigate any inherent issues betwixt a child and their parent. Erikson states that if a stage is not completed successfully, it is harder to complete interest stages of development and achieve the positive surfacecomes. (Beckett and Taylor, 2010). This theory gives social workers an overview of how a child should be progressing and what their capabilities should be. However, this theory does not take into considerateness children who have disabilities or who come from different ethnic backgrounds. A child with a certain disability may not be able to make their own choices from such a young age, no matter how simply they are, or children from different cultures will have different upbringings compared to children from other culture s. ass Bowlby was a main psychologist who studied children. In particular he looked at extension between a child and caregiver. He believed that relationships at a young age are vital because any failings in relationships in childhood would shape the development of a childs personality. He also believed that attachment is an innate act, and children want to form an attachment with their gets and bugger offs want to be close to their children so that they can protect them. Prolonged separation from the mother is known as maternal deprivation, and this is a major cause of abandoned behaviour and mental health concerns. (Walker and Crawford, 2010).Social workers can use theory when in practice to see how a child responds to their mother or father. For example, if a child is in a care and has signature with his/her mother twice a week, the social worker should look to see who interacts with who first, who runs to who, what is the law of proximity like and body language etc. All of these actions will get the social worker to determine whether something is wrong. If the mother runs to her child, why is the child not running to her mother? Does the child not feel attached? Has something happened which of necessity to be looked into? However, Bowlbys theory does not take into account fathers being the attachment figure as they may be a single parent. Also, social workers essential to work in a non-discriminatory manner and remember that in some families, such as Asian families, within a kinsfolk it is not just the immediate family who live there, it is also the wider family. A member of the wider family could be the main caregiver, so this needs to be taken into consideration when starting to work with a child from this type of family. (Walker and Crawford, 2010).Mary Ainsworth vary Bowlbys attachment theory by carrying out her own experiment on children and their caregiver so that different attachment styles between a child and the caregiver could be observ ed. The Strange Situation recognised four different attachment types secure, anxious-avoidant, anxious-ambivalent and disorganised attachment. (Ainsworth et all., 1978). The experiment took place in a small room with a one way mirror so that the child could easily be observed. Throughout the experiment, the child would be left with their caregiver for some time before a stranger entered and the caregiver leaves, and then the child would be left completely alone for a before long period of time before the stranger and caregiver return and so forth. The attachment type that the child would have would be dependent on their reactions to the events that happened in the experiment upset, crying, anxious, scared, happy, distressed etc.). For example, a child who has an ambivalent-attachment would have shown no signs of distress when their caregiver left the room, scarcely they would have avoided the stranger when they entered the room. When the caregiver returns after leaving the child alone with the stranger, the child would approach them, but may also push them away to show that they are upset. (Simply Psychology, 2008).In social work, this theory could be used to view the attachment between a child and their caregiver. Positive attachment could result in hindrance not being needed by social workers. However, negative attachment could prove that earlier intervention is needed as there is an underlying reason as to why the child is not forming an attachment with their caregiver. This theory should be used very carefully in practice as some children are more independent than others, and it does not take into account cultural differences and disabilities. For example, children who have Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), especially on the higher end of the autistic spectrum, find it very difficult to display feelings and show affection. This does not mean that they have not formed an attachment with their caregiver, they are more than able to, but it is how they disp lay their attachment type which can make them appear unattached. During the mid-1980s, researchers started to observe children with ASD in the Strange Situation. Results show that 50% of the children formed a secure attachment with their caregiver. Despite this figure being low compared to children who do not have ASD, it is very impressive and proves that children with ASD can form attachments. However, when it came to the part where the caregiver returned to their child, the children acted differently compared to other children. For example, they did not initiate contact or appear to be happy. (Oppenheim et al., 2008).The knowledge of development and attachment theories is important in social work, as these theories will help a social worker carry out assessments on a family with young children. When carrying out an assessment, it has to be done under the Common Assessment Framework, which aims to identify the following how well the parents or carers can support their childs devel opmental needs, and how they respond and live up to their needs and what impact does the environment and the wider family have on a childs development. (DfES, 2006).John Bowlbys attachment theory gives an overview of the different attachment types and it allows social workers to assess and taste the quality of a relationship, and this can help as the social worker will know when to intervene, and if necessary, remove a child from a family unit. (Walker and Crawford, 2010). on a lower floor section 17 of the Children Act 1989, local authorities have a responsibility to safeguard and promote the safety and welfare of children who are in need. (Legislation.Gov, 2012). When working with children in need, a social worker will need to carry out an assessment under the Framework for the Assessment of Children in Need. (Department of Health, 2000). Tied within this assessment, is another assessment regarding the developmental needs of a child. It covers several areas of development health , education, identity, family and social relations, emotional and behavioural development and self-care skills. tally to Parker and Bradley, children need to r apiece these developmental needs to achieve a rosy-cheeked adulthood. (Parker and Bradley, 2007).By using anti-discriminatory and anti-oppressive practice in social work, it allows social workers to contest their own beliefs and values while considering others. The Every Child Matters Change for Children polity has 5 outcomes which are considered to be the most important to children and young state be healthy, stay safe, enjoy and achieve, make a positive contribution, and achieve economic well-being. The policy wants children and young people to be safe from bully and discrimination. (Crawford, 2006 page 16).With regards to lifespan development theories anti-discriminatory practice and anti-oppressive practice are used in social work because these theories can be applied to all cultural and class backgrounds. The major ity of the theories were based around white middle-classed children and parents when experiments were carried out, but by no means does this mean that they cannot be applied to different cultures.In conclusion, if knowledge of lifespan development and various theories are used correctly and appropriately in social work practice, then this could give social workers a clear indication of when a child is not developing at the usual rate, and intervention can take place at the earliest possible moment, to ensure that the safety and welfare of the child is met. The advantages and disadvantages of viewing behaviour through lifespan perspectives seem to weigh each other out in relation to social practice, however, it should be remembered that the studies are theories, and are not based on solid facts, so they should only be used in practice as guidance.Word await 2,175

Development of the Online Broker Industry

Development of the Online Broker IndustryIntroductionThe purpose of this report is to get in an understanding of the enterprise growing by cultivationing the Openshaw flake and the organizement of the online constituent persistence since then and belike developments in the future.Openshaw Plant Machinery is an online equipment federal agent that was established in 1998. The founders Neville and Sue Openshaw recognised the lacking of a commutation and convenient place for blood organization to betray current or second-hand equipment and machinery in the industry. Openshaw staffs prevail extensive experience from works in many an(prenominal) argonas of discordant industries and brush off deliver excellent service to its customers. A wide concatenation of contracts is strength of Openshaw (Openshaw Plant Machinery 2011).DiscussionIn this section, I will for the setoff m give a brief background more or less(prenominal) the online broker/trade industry. Macro- purli eu and industry environment analysis will be discussed including analysis of spic-and-span-fashioned developments and likely future developments in the industry.The industryOpenshaw be coarses lets a platform for buying, selling, and sourcing new and used equipment and machinery. It has extensive links with machinery manufactory industry as intimately as brokerage house industry. In the report, I will focus on the online brokerage industry.The online brokerage sector is relatively new. However, the traditional retail brokerage industry has been around for a long time. Online equipment brokerage might be a bit under the radar since most of the brokerage companies or psyche brokers work on financial services, such as bloodline exchange, mutual fund, insurance, and real estate. It was made possible after the development of communicate and World Wide Web. Since then, as the information technology develops, the industry has with child(p) rapidly and represents one of the most successful applications of e-commerce (Bakeos et al 2005).Nowadays, due to the vaporific nature of most industries, companies have to adapt new technologies to maintain hawkish and book up with the society. Information technology, especially meshwork, offers extraordinary train of thingumajig and flexibility and subsequently has changed the way the business usually run. People direct have the technology to communicate from basically wherever and whenever they like (Lonney, Jessup Valacich 2004). In online brokerage sector, although the quality of online brokerage service might be disappoint than traditional approach, it offers piteouser associated cost and more than(prenominal) flexibility and grows rapidly general (Bakeos et al 2005). In the future, there atomic number 18 a number of areas that are worth to watch out for.More customers revertd content this is will be genuinely helpful for increase the awareness and transactions, because customers trust other custo mers rather than what the website claim. Therefore, providing the opportunity and encouraging customers to write a review or intercommunicate about their trading experience on the website could turn out to be a plus for an online brokerage business.Improvement on products and services- No doubt, the result and profitability of e-commerce will encourage more business enter the industry. actual online brokerage companies have to continually improve their products and tools, enhance the flexibility and convenience, and develop cleanse customer support.Video and visual information As we known, human being being reach information quicker with images than just plain textual matter (Audette 2010). Although text is very informative and requires less effort to maintain, videos and images are more eyes catching. Also, people, in many occasions, prefer information in a more visualised format. Thus, web-based business can benefit significantly from visual information. Visual browsin g and searching are likely to get more attention in the near future. Nowadays, internet speed and technology alter people to view picture and video easily. People can discriminate products with on-website videos to help them make the right decision.Engaging social media -The success stories about Facebook and twitter shows how heavy is the social media. Twitter had increased about 40 million accounts in three months and there are about cx million Tweets a day across the world (Chiang 2011). Companies have started to usage social media for product marketing, customer communication, and idea generation (Menchaca 2010). Similarly, online broker should do the same thing to engage with customers.Service offered through multiple e-channels-Online equipment broker like Openshaw can offer customer the opportunity to be rightfully innovative and failicipate in the process of developing equipment that meets the special unavoidably of customers. Online brokers can set up video and/or s kype conference mingled with customers and manufacturers who are 20,000 km away and discuss the whole design, costing, and building process. Also, the at once the equipment is installed, customers will have 24/7 online support to ensure the machinery working safe and penetrate.Macro-environment analysisThe environment for an organisation includes those factors outside the organisation that mildew its schema. For example, businesses have non much option regarding the fraternity tax policy in many countries. Macro-environment is one of two sections of the external environment. It has impact on almost all the industries and overall economic egression. The analysis of the macro-environment could potentially provide information about what have affected the industry in the then(prenominal) as well as what is going to affect the industry in the future. Mangers and scholar have categorised these macro-environment factors in to groups including economic, organisational, legal, so cial/cultural, demographic, sustainability, international, environmental, and technology factors. organization use political and legal system to regulate business environment. The bare-ass Zealand government, like other actual countries, mainly al offsets the market regulate itself. spic-and-span Zealand political and legal systems are very stable and are very unlikely to pose any political risk to the companies that operate in New Zealand. On the other hand, policy variation between parties and political decision affected by major(ip) events could have impacts on business operation. For example, governments support on rebuilding Christchurch CBD may have a official result for online equipment brokerage sector. However, the emission trading scheme would have small-scale impact on the industry.Changes in society and culture change consumers subscribe and consequently affect familiaritys strategy and industrys profitability. If a company can counter and prepare for these chang es, the company is likely to succeed. The Do-It-Yourself (DIY) spirit is a plot of ground of culture of New Zealand. Online equipment broker industry could use this factor and feed its products range in order to include more equipment that is suitable for DIY purpose.Certainly, the thriftiness is one of the environmental factors that would have most impact on industries and businesses. economical factors include taxation, interest rate, inflation, exchange rate, and GDP. These factors affect not only deportment of customers, but also the behaviour of companies. For example, the strong NZ dollar makes the export goods less attractive yet makes import goods more affordable to domestic consumers. The planetary financial crisis has affected New Zealand economy although New Zealand and Australia are intellection to escape relatively well and have 2 to 3 portion growth in the near future (Sun 2010). In the online equipment brokerage sector, the low interest rate could have a positi ve effect as the lower rate makes the asset investment more attractive. Additionally, the tax drop-off for both individual and business may increase the revenue of the industry in the future.People like new technology and most of us cannot survive without it. Internet, mobile phone, video games, and HD TVs are parts of our everyday life. For many products and services, technology can decrease expenses, increase quality and productivity, and lead to innovation. Advances in technology will ultimately generate benefit for both consumers and the company offering the products and services. In some industry, technological factors are vital for establishing combative improvements and maintain market position. The industry where Openshaw belongs to particularly requires technology inputs, especially associated with Internet and Web applications. At the end, technology makes the online brokerage system work and it should be able to make the industry better.Industry environmentThe other pa rt of the environment analysis is the industry environment. The industry environment normally affects companies profitability and market position in a particular industry. Industry environment consists with factors like buyers king, suppliers power, competitors, relievos, and new entrants. Professor Michael Porter suggested that the profitability of a company in an industry count on cardinal competitive forces (Porter 2008). These five forces are flagellum of new entrants, bargaining power of buyers, bargaining power of suppliers, threat of shift products or services, and rivalry among existing competitors (Figure 1, Porter 2008). Porters fiver forces model is commonly used for business analysis and research. However, it does not point into account for innovation and change and it is only applicable to industry level in many situations.Existing companies may have the pressure from new entrants on price and costs and may have to invest more to compete. The threat of new immer sion is likely to be low if the entry barriers are high. Such barriers include customer switching costs, chief city investment, economies of scale, annoy to distribution channels, and government restriction (Porter 2008). For the online equipment broker sector, the threat of new reaching is reasonably high. The capital requirement for online brokerage business is little and the customers can easily switching among providers. In addition, there is no obvious government intervention.Powerful suppliers can affect an industry by charging higher prices and constrictive quality and quantity of the products. Suppliers will have more power if there are not many them, switching among suppliers are too costly, suppliers do not depend on the industry, there is no substitute for what suppliers provide, and the supplier enter the industry (Porter 2008). Although the suppliers, in this case, the equipment manufacturers, do not depend on online brokers and there is no substitute products, one of the features of Openshaw is it has extensive contacts and can root equipment from many suppliers and countries. Thus, the power of suppliers for online equipment brokers is moderate.Powerful buyers, on the other hand, can contain the price down and demand better quality and more mixing products and services. The buyers have more bargaining power if there are fewer buyers in the market, the products are undifferentiated, the cost of switching providers is little, and the buyers enter the industry and produce the product (Porter 2008). Based on these measurements, because buyers do not always have extensive contacts with equipment manufacturers and Openshaws service is differentiated, the buyers power for online equipment broker is low. However, the number of buyers for the industry is relatively small.The threat of a substitute is high if the substitute has a better price-performance ratio compared to the industry offering and the cost of switching to the substitute is low (Po rter 2008). In this case, direct communication between buyers and manufacturers can be the substitute of Openshaws broker service. However, customers will have to spend a lot of time and effort on dealing with manufacturers. Although the cost of switching to substitute is low, the threat of a substitute for online brokerage industry is low.The level of competition of an industry is determined by a number of reasons including numbers of similar size of it competitors, industry growth rate, exit barriers, and competitors business commitment. To my knowledge, there are not many online equipment brokers within New Zealand and the level of competition is relatively low. In addition, the costs of leaving the industry are low because the initial capital investment is low and there are not much assets for this flake of ecommerce.Overall, if the industry has high entry barriers, many small and equal suppliers and buyers, few substitutes, and not much hostile competitors, the organisations in the industry are likely to make good profit from the market. Although the threat of new entrants is high and the buyers are moderate powerful for online equipment broker industry, the power of suppliers, threat of a substitute and rivalry among competitors are fairly low. The online equipment broker sector should, therefore, has a sound industry environment and potential good profitability.ConclusionIn the case of Openshaw, the first mover strategy was the key for its establishment and success. Starting up Openshaw was an entrepreneurial action because there was no such online equipment broker at that time, which is only 13 years ago. Its success should be attributed by the combination of entrepreneurial actions and strategic management. Entrepreneurial actions and strategic management are important for business growth independently, yet they generate synergy that increases the value of their individual outcomes (Ireland, Camp, Hitt and Sexton 2001). Entrepreneurship is mainly a bout innovation and growth while strategic management focuses on competitive advantage. However, they have a common goal, to generate profit. Innovation can create competitive advantage and competitive advantage subsequently increases growth. The strategy that Openshaw used was the first mover strategy. Evidence suggested the first movers in a particular industry usually have long lasting benefits over the later comer (Suarez and Lanzolla 2008). However, Suarez and Lanzolla (2008) also pointed out that this strategy likely success if the pace of both market and technology growing is smooth. This is actually the case of Openshaw. When the company was established, the Internet technology has been well developed and the consumers have accepted the technology and have started to enjoy the benefit of it.In the future, the company should keep the focus on integration of entrepreneurship and strategic management. The network approaches to internationalisation might be a good strategy for Openshaw. The study carried out by Loane and Bell (2006) indicates that small entrepreneurial companies will obtain knowledge and resource, such as networks, to internationalise rapidly suggesting social and business networks are valuable resource for small firms.Although, ecommerce business has incredible growth potential, it creates unique challenges for both existing companies and new comers (Saini and Johnson 2005). The overall environment soma for online equipment broker is reasonable. The domestic and international economic growth is one of the major impact factors for the industry in the near future. Openshaw and other existing companies should keep eyes on new entrants as well as pass over on their entrepreneurial and strategic development and actions.

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Lung cancer :: essays research papers

Lung CancerI chose to do lung crabby person in American women be practise of the fact that many women die from it every year. Women put themselves in jeopardy by risking the chances of a premature death and other types of complications from smoking. In this compensate I want to learn whom smoking effected more, men or women, what age bracket does smoking most occur in women, and the overall effects that smoking and lung cancer has on women. Lung cancer is caused by outgrowth of airway obstruction, and clinical symptoms leading to inveterate obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPD) as well as to recurrent respiratory tract infections (Klech H, Kummer F., Smoking causes chronic obstructive lung diseases and increased infections of the respiratory tract, Wiener Medizinische Wochenschrift, Journal cypher XOU, 1994 144 (22-23) 535-40). The death rate of lung cancer has increase since 1991-1995 up to well-nigh 64%. Lung cancer is hard to detect at an early stage and it is similarly ha rd to treat. Many doctors sat that once you are diagnosed with lung the average mortal has about 5 more years to live. Smoking is the main cause for lung cancer in women. Over 2,000 females start this habit everyday which is about 728,000 women a year. Out of this amount of ladies 66,000 will die from lung cancer. The worst social function about this lung cancer in women is that no one believes that it is the leading killer whale in women. That is right it passed breast cancer by a hanker shot. Lung cancer killed about 66 thousand, as mentioned above, while breast cancer killed only about 45 thousand people (Statistics are from the American Cancer Societys Cancer Facts which contains estimates based on SEER data.).What age do you think women start smoking? 18? 20? 16? No, more or less children thrust started smoking at the age younger then 14 (Skaar, Karyn L. Tsoh, Janice Y. McClure, Jennifer B. Cinciripini, Paul M. Friedman, Karen Wetter, David W. Gritz, Ellen R., Smoking A F eminist Issue (An overview of research. Smoking Cessation, break up 1. Vol. 23, Behavioral Medicine), 03-22-1997 p. 5 (9)). They mainly start to smoke do to its pleasant appeal. During many research studies, the most common reasons were to stay slim, lose weight, or be popular (Heidi D, Smoking A Feminist Issue. Vol. 20, contemporaneous Womens Issues Collection, 03-01-1995, p. 9-10H). Magazines give women and teenage girls these impressions everyday by their ads of big groups of skinny ladies have a good time with a dag in their mouth.

The Knights Tale in Geoffrey Chaucers Canterbury Tales Essay

The Knights Tale in Geoffrey Chaucers Canterbury Tales The Knights Tale is one of the twenty-two complete Canterbury Tales by the observe English Writer Geoffrey Chaucer (1343-1400). The Canterbury Tales argon a order of battle of 120 stories that Chaucer began writing in 1386, and planned to complete during his lifetime. Each of the levels features a large range of characters in a great variety of gothic plots, along with interesting dramatic interaction. The Knights Tale itself was completed sometime mingled with 1386 and 1400. It is found in its entirety in the Ellesmere manuscript, one of the earliest of Chaucers rest manuscripts. The Ellesmere features the story, as well as an elaborately done pictorial imitation of The Knights Tale done in woodcarvings. The story line of this tale is establish on Italian writer Boccaccios Teseida written in 1381 or 1382. Chaucers Knights tale is a chivalric romance about love and war. These characteristics are presented as two po ssible sources of human affliction yet are celebrated in a very honoring, ceremonious way. In the tale, two knights are our main characters. Their story embodies the chivalric principles of honor and especially courtly love. In desperation they both decide they must either die or gain the heart of the beautiful maiden Emelye. After years, they eventually bear upon to fight for her in a duel. This was a common method of sweet a lady in Chaucers age due to the ideals introduced by causation Queen Eleanor of Aquitaine of France (1122-1204). The romantic tradition of the work stresses passion and honor and their splendor in successful courtly love. Although The Knights Tale is known primarily for its intentness on courtly love, the work... ...ov, 1998. <http//www.luminarium.org/medlit/knight.htm. 6. Jokinen, Anniina. The Knights Tale in images. Nov. 3, 1997. 8 Nov, 1998. <http//www.luminarium.org/medlit/knightimg.htm. 7. Knight. WAV. Downloaded WAV file. Brigham Yo ung University. 8 Nov, 1998. <http//english.byu.edu/chaucer/wav/knight.wav. 8. The Knights Tale. The Geoffrey Chaucer Homepage. The University of Harvard. Feb. 2, 1998. 8 Nov, 1998. <http//icg.harvard.edu/chaucer/canttales/knight/ktsum.html. 9. The left out tales The Knights Tale. The University of Texas. 8 Nov, 1998. <http//www.cwrl.utexas.edu/scoggins/316british/chaucercanon/tales.htmlknight. 10. Tobias, Tom. The Canterbury tales The Knights Tale. Virginia Tech University. 8 Nov, 1998. <http//sfbox.vt.edu10021/T/tomt220/knit.html.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

An Analysis of Neil Young’s Pono Music Player Essay -- Pono Music Play

IntroductionThe researchers objective in this paper is to address the issue of the compromise that has been occurring throughout the years, wherein music manufacturers are forced to present material to their sense of hearing in simplified, compressed forms. In particular, the researcher would like to dissect Neil Youngs most received innovation the Pono music player, and analyze whether or not its attempts at aiding this audiophiliac plight poses potential success. The researcher also aims to look at whether or not the general public presents a need for this type of product, seeing as there are numerous portable music players already kind on the market.Over the course of several decades, the engineers oral sex has proven adamant in its attempts at producing and delivering high-fidelity music to the general public. Canadian musician, Neil Young identifies with this statement as he reveals his latest increment to the gallery of high-resolution music players the Pono music pla yer. With numerous products containing a alike concept available in the market, Young and the investors of this project are face with the question of whether or not there is a need for some other device of this nature, and whether or not the general public recognizes the same musical comedy dilemma of having to listen compromised-quality audio. Pono takes its name from the Hawaiian term for righteous or goodness. In a speech Canadian singer/song-writer, Neil Young gave during the 2014 entropy By Southwest Festival in Texas, he explains that Pono is potentially a great way to serve music to an artists audience in the best quality possible the quality in which producer wishes for it to be heard.The body of literature on management of technology and inno... ... Mar. 2014. Web. 19 Apr. 2014..Baldwin, Y. C. The Architecture of Platforms A Unified View. In Platforms, Marketsand Innovation. Cheltenham, UK Edward Elgar Limited, 2009. Print.Den Uijl, Simon, Henk J. de Vries, and Deniz Bayramoglu. The rise of MP3 as themarket standard how compressed audio files became the dominant musicformat. transnational Journal of IT Standards and StandardizationResearch 11.1 (2013) 1+.J Josephson, I. NPD Music category in Review. J. (2005) In Proceedings of the NARM. n.pag. 04 Apr. 2005. Web.Langlois, R.N., and P.L. Robertson. Networks and Innovation in a modular SystemLessons from the Microcomputer and Stereo Component Industries. Research Policy, 21, 297-313. Doi10.1016/00487333(92)90030-8., 1992. Web.

Essay --

I am an Armenian, through my veins flows the clear blood of my ancients. We choke on a small piece of land called Armenia. My countrycomes from the ancient times, it is too old and at the same time too unfledged with its independence. I am the inheritor of the Seven,Yerevan, the Aragats, Garni, Ejmiatsin and finally the inheritor of my dear Vanadzor. Vanadzor is a mountain town of unparalleledbeauty, realm of forest-covered mountains, of dizzy gorges and bubbling rivers. Vanadzor was greatly damaged during the1988earthquake. At that time a lot of people came to inspection and repair us. Though I am eighteen I remember stories rough that earthquake told by myp atomic number 18nts and grandparents and I also remember the citizens that came to help us. Among them were Garbachov, Eltsin and some otherpeople from all over the world. They were really planetary citizens. It is unforgettable the deeds done by them. Here we can say that theyare en rejoicinged not only for their persona lity except as sanitary as their deeds.As we know a citizen is a person who has healthy rights in a country. We are all citizens in our countries, but in that respect are citizens whom wecan call global. As for me in the range of global citizens the archetypal ones are the people who present the Nobel Prize for peace. I insufficiency tomention about a woman called Mother Teresa (Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu). I go through a great respect to this woman and also great respectfor her deeds as it is unforgettable and will remain in the memories of generations forever. I should say that she had a too difficult lifeas her fetch died and left them in poorness. At the age of 18 she left her maternal(p) home and went to an Irish community of nuns. Aftera few months of gentility Mother Teresa went to India and took her initial vows as a ... ...ove the life of homeless children chargeswith the zip fastener and hope for achieving my destination.I am still a teenager and pay a lot of thin gs to learn. I know that first of all I must be a good citizen for my country as I know that mynation tried to decline the right of its independence from the first moment of our history and our generation is to keep and improveeverything we have. I cipher that a man must live his life so that he could add at least a bit amount of contort and sense to his life andwhat is more to the lives of others in order to keep truth, joy and meaning in every minute of his life. Now I shade back and realize thatall the volunteering programs where I took part were just a undersized sheet of paper from the book I must fulfill, but I do hope that one day Iwould have done something for society and will be glad and a little proud of my past

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Rainbow Six :: essays papers

Rainbow SixThe view as starts with a prologue that introduces us to the one maincharacter, John Clark, an ex-Navy SEAL, and two former(a) characters,Alistair Stanley the executive director commander of Rainbow Six, and Domingo(Ding) Chavez, the Captain of Team 2. There are two otherinsignificant character introduced, Clarks wife Sandy and his daughter bell ringer, who is married to Ding. Patsy is pregnant. The other maincharacter is Dmitriy Arkadeyevich Popov, he is an ex-KGB agent who isnow operative as a special consultant. He will become in truth importantlater on in the book.Clark is the commander and in haste of starting a new Europeananti-terrorist group called Rainbow Six. Rainbow Six is snap offinto two teams Team 1 and Team 2. These teams are the best in that respect is. They are based in Hereford, England, but anyEuropean arena can call on them at any time. They run 3 milesin 20 minutes every morning at 600 am. Only one team will beon-call at a time. The team that is not on-call will be doinglive fire practices. In the first 6 months of being inoperation they are called on three times which is a lot forthis type of thing. The first hazard happens in a Swiss bankwhere terrorists have taken control. They in any case have suretys.Team 2 successfully takes them out, with only one hostagekilled, but he is killed before they had gotten there. Thefirst mission helps them organize themselves and wee a fewholes in their planning. The second mission is in Germany. An international trader is taken hostage in his mansion/castle.This mission goes intimately too, thanks to the snipers. No hostagedeaths, but all the terrorists are killed. after(prenominal) this missionis over they realize they should have a helicopter and flee onthe team, this is done. The last mission that they are calledon in the book is in Spain, in a huge amusement park. Earlieron in the book we hear a conversation in a french high securityjail, with the Jackal and his lawyer. The Jackal tells hislawyer he is sick of being in jail and to call his friends andthey would know what to do. The terrorists at the amusementpark are intimately prepared, but not well enough to take on theRainbow Six team. They take 30 children hostage, and requisitefor the Jackal and several other prisoners release. One of themajor things that goes awary for the terrorists is that the

The field-mouse and October is written by the same writer, Gillian :: English Literature

The field- walk and October is written by the same writer, Gillian Clarke also that they both prolong three stanzas. The theme of the field- slip is to the highest degree a mouse which symbolises.From the canvas I had four poems that I could choose from Mid-termbreak, The field-mouse, A baffling birth, Easter 1998 andOctober. From these four poems I had decided to comp are, Thefield-mouse and October. The first two things that are noticeableis a similarity between these two poems. The field-mouse andOctober is written by the same writer, Gillian Clarke also that theyboth have three stanzas.The theme of the field-mouse is about a mouse which symbolises a pincer in a war, the tike comes running through the killed flowers,his hands a nest of quivering mouse. Whereas the theme of Octoberis about the calendar month of October and how it represents death because inthe month of October the geezerhood are very gloomy with mostly rain andnever sunshine, finish up up in the poplars and a broken branch, a dead armin the bright trees.The family relationship in the field-mouse is that the child (mouse)represents a close member of the readers family and the emotions thatthe narrator talks about have a direct and similar effect on thereader because the reader imagines that the child is a close member ofhis family. On the other hand the relationship in October is betweentwo friends and one friend dies in the month of October. The livingfriend expresses her feelings and emotions through metaphors and otherpoetic devices using the strain surrounding the world around, inOctober.The image in the field-mouse is the mouse. The mouse helps to acquaint an image for the children about how they are powerless, Weknow it will die and ought to finish it off, vulnerable, Myneighbour turned stranger, wounding my land with stones, weak, theirbones unannealed as mouse ribs, and innocent, his hands a nest ofquivering mouse. Nevertheless in October the image is the month ofOctober. O ctober is a good optical image to show the feelings andemotions of the living friend because the month of October is very

Monday, March 25, 2019

Social Time In The Life Of A Man And Society :: Philosophy Philosophical Essays Sociology

Social period In The conduct Of A Man And SocietyABSTRACT The subject of this paper is hearty judgment of conviction-the peculiarities of the Past- grant-Future in social processes, and their unbreakable connection. I also focus on the necessity of taking stock of eon in gay activities and in the societal development. The Past in progress of society signifies the Already-happened which has become the obstinacy of account statement. This Past exerts an enormous influence on the Present, determining it both directionally and functionally. The Present includes the Present itself, a part of the Past, and some elements of the Future. It represents the plainly reality for human beings as life is lived in the Present only. The Present creates the clobber and sacred preconditions for the Future. Resolution of contemporary global problems is crucial for our Future which runs sequentially in tercet stages immediate Future, visible Future and distant Future. All three exert influenc e on the Present by providing ideological and informational images. while disciplines our minds and wills, organizes our actions and promotes our cognitions of the Past, the Present and the Future. All the scientific philosophical systems, worked out in the history of mankind, have a big methodological and educational meaning. Separate categories, worry social time, having attributive qualities are not an exception. Everyone a scientist, a politician, an usual person, the whole mankind cant help taking into account the factor of time in their life and activities. We can say that they need it like the nervous strain to breath. That is why time was investigated in the theoretical systematized form by known philosophers and scientists of the past centuries - Aristotle, Augustine, Kant, Newton, Hegel, Marx, and ones of the Modern Age - Einstein, Russell, Heiddeger, Spirkin, etc.Each of them contributed to the understanding of time and its qualities. The most important issues of the past can be summarized in the quest statements. Time is an attribute of the matter, its integral quality time is indissolubly connected with property and motion there is no absolute time in the material world. Time in the form of category, being abstract, can exist only in the theory and be used in scientific purposes. Time has important qualities objectivity, that is it exists as the matter irrespective of our will and consciousness it is characterized by the eternity of its duration - it has neither begging nor end and it is contradictory. The latter path from the one hand, time is eternal, on the other hand, all objects and processes exist for a certain time and have an end.

Confederacy of Dunces Essays: Last Encounter :: A Confederacy of Dunces

A Confederacy of Dunces - Last Encounter In his ending encounter in the novel, Ignatius returns to the ill-reputed Night of Joy. He is still employed by Paradise Vendors and wears the ridiculous costume of a pirate that is mis frittern for a Mardi Gras costume. Ignatius attends Dorian Greenes strange party and the distance between the bodily knucklehead and intellectual genius is extended. He tries to speak at the party moreover no one will listen and he cannot handle organism rejected for his ideas so he leaves. Throughout the rest of the novel, Ignatius exhibits characteristics of a knucklehead according to the rest of the characters. At the point when Ignatius disrupts Darlenes Harlett O Hara act, he follows a serial publication of unfortunate events. The bird attacks him for his novelty earring and Ignatius runs around like a commodious crazyman(285). He bounces out of the bar and runs out into the street, solo to come gift to face with the headlights of the Desire bus. A s Ignatius faints from shock, he shows the lecturer how awkward and ham-handed he is. He has the chance to avoid everything that happens besides his dunce tendencies take control. He is ridiculed by everyone at the scene for his possession of Lana Lees naked pictures and ends up being the comedian and clown for the hour. Ignatius looks like a dead affright lying in the street according to the newspaper photograph and the reader sees the reactions to the incident from every character(289). Mr. Clyde sees Ignatius as a big ape and further wishes that he can retrieve his costume from him(293). Dr. Talc needs to break Ignatius to clear his name but decides against it when he sees the paper. He realizes that Ignatius is the dunce but that he also has a way of turning things around which whitethorn be detrimental to Dr. Talc. Miss Annie reads the paper and vows to run Ignatius and Irene out of the neighborhood. She is only demented about the reputation of the neighborhood. Patrolma n Mancuso is grateful for his luck in stopping the chain of pornography sales along with the incarceration of the tierce brute women who had attacked him once before. Santa Battaglia talks to the picture of her mother and comments on how august Irene must be feeling and has no remorse for Ignatius. Claude is only worried that he will not be able to handle such a disgrace as a stepson.

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Ion Channels Affected by LSD :: Hallucinogens Drugs Essays

Ion Channels Affected by lysergic acid diethylamideResearch with lysergic acid diethylamide has been very limited by two study particularors lack of compassionate subjects and laws against it as a coverled substance. These deterrents have caused a huge hole in what can be discovered ab off this psychodelic drug at the ion channels it affects and in turn those effects on repressing and excitatory potentials of the cell.It was difficult to obtain clear explanations about exactly what was dismissal on at the neuron level. Later it was discovered that most experiments were carried out on rodents. This may not sound like it is such a bad thing because human subjects were not being put in positions where their health could be affected by the drug, but in fact there is a slight difference in rodent and human brains. lysergic acid diethylamide affects a serotonergic receptor type 2A (5-HT2A), which is different in rats to man in its structure and activity, and behavior may not strict ly reduplicate those in humans (Nichols, 2004). This could cause researches to get different results in what they would decide in experimental rats and to what may actually be happening in humans. Another deterrent that has somewhat slowed down the process of understanding LSD at the neuron level is the law. LSD is scheduled as a controlled substance Schedule I, to be exact, which means that it is illegal to posses, sell, or corrupt without a DEA endorse. You can imagine what would happen if a researcher was caught with a substantial amount of LSD, and possibly the difficulty in obtaining a license that testament allow someone to posses a powerful illegal substance. These things are exactly what will repel researchers from using such a substance. The solely almost certain aspect of LSD is that it has a similar chemical substance composition as serotonin (5-HT) and will especially act on 5-HT2 receptors. However, LSD is the only known hallucinogen to bind to dopamine receptors. It will activate postsynaptic dopamine receptors if the dose is high enough to do so. LSD also binds to alpha-adrenergic and beta-adrenergic receptors that are involved sympathetic nervous system control of smooth muscles. It is also a competitive opposition at histamine receptors and will produce inhibitory messages. LSD also acts mysteriously on the optical cortex. At low doses, LSD will stimulate the visual cortex and higher doses will inhibit this area. LSD research has flipped it from being an antagonist to an

How Our Universe Was Created :: essays papers

How Our Universe Was Created Creation Stories, myths that formulate the antecedent of the universe, or cosmos. The origin of the cosmos forms one of the principal themes of mythology throughout the world. (Rev. Bruce Vawter). Cosmogony has attempted to explain everything from the Greek deities Uranus (sky god) and Gaea (earth goddess), to say the creation of humankind, after which the mythic cosmos comes to resemble the world of human experience. In mythic history, the earliest epoch of the world is usually the closest to perfection-a Golden Age or garden of Eden.There are thirty-five religions that I have heard of and unbounded others that have not been documented. I have always wondered why we Latinos, African, Asians, Italians, Indians, and the end of the cultures on this earth practice different religions and ideas. The answer is zillions of years ago, in a galaxy far away, an intergalactic council was formed. The council members consisted of dozens of what w e call Gods. each was a ruler of a planet. And on each of these planets there were population who worshiped their Creator (God). The climate of each world was different from the other. Each planet could only sustain life for its people. The inhabitants needed a particular climate so that they could survive. Even there agriculture was dependent on the climate as well. One day the supreme idol who farmd each of the Gods, decided to allow each of the members to combine its people with the other. They wondered how they would be this since all of the planets differed in climate and no one could survive on the others planet. So it was decided that they would all create what today is know as the Milky Way. With careful planning the ribonucleic acid/DNA was joined to create a human that would be able to withstand various climates and be able to eventually procreate. Fifteen billion years ago, give or take five billion years, the total of our universe was compressed into t he confines of an atomic nucleus. Known as a singularity, this is the moment before creation when space and time did not exist. consort to the prevailing cosmological models that explain our universe, an ineffable explosion, trillions

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Fossil Fuels: Our Societys Dependency :: essays research papers

Fossil Fuels Our Societys dependencyOur society has become dependent on fossil fuels for energy. That expectsfine for at one time considering the fact that everyone is generally happy in thepresent situation. Fossil fuels be relatively inexpensive and seem to be doingthe trick right now. employ fossil fuels arise such issues as global warming,rising be of scarce resources, and shortages of raw materials. None of theseproblems impart draw full prudence until the demand is needed, its the oldsupply and demand scenario. Although my opinion may seem pessimistic if youlook at past events it points to the supply and demand scenario.During universe of discourse War II rubber supplies were cut off to the western earthly concernand we began to work on a compound that was a synthetic rubber. We succeeded insupplying the demand and now that same synthetic compound is utilise today. Mytheory is that the same thing will happen with such things as plastic, which ismade from fossil fuel s. Someone will either come up with a synthetic plastic orcome up with something to assuagement for plastic. The person who comes up withthe solution will become and instant millionaire and everyone will be happy.There is one draw back of this way of resolution problems, I mean sure its greatto wait until the demand entirely we should still learn from our mistakes. We shouldlearn to plan ahead and see what the consequences could maybe be.We still have other demands to meet, there be three major demands offossil fuels and they are heating, transportation, and industry. Althoughtransportation is taken care of, we may non like the thought of a solar car oran galvanising car but there are solutions out there. Frankly the oil colour companiesdont want to lose their monopoly in the transportation industry and that bringsus into the unit miserliness issue. If we run out of fossil fuels what will happento the economy? Will it suffer? These are just a few questions that are askedev eryday, but for now we are just going to look at solutions for demands onfossil fuels. This chart below illustrates the demands and the possiblesolutions.Energy film Alternative Energy Sources and Practicesheating - solar heating, heat pumps, geothermal energy,biomass gas, and electrical from hydro andnuclear plantstransportation - alcohol/gasohol and hydrogen fuels, andelectric vehicles- mass transit, bicycles, and pass- solar energy, nuclear energy, andhydroelectricity- improved efficiency and waste heat recuperationIn conclusion I dont think the need for a moderation for fossil fuels will

Medieval Myths Essay -- essays research papers

mediaeval MythsBy Norma Lorre GoodrichPublished by The Penguin Group, 19612.) The Types of stories found in this book are Medieval Stories. They contain Kings, Queens, and Knights, wars and battles, dragons, and beautiful maidens.3.) One of the myths that I enjoyed was the one ab kayoed Beowulf, from Norse Mythology, entitled Beowulf And The Fiend Grendel. This story is about a Danish ground that was ruled by a King, named Hrothgar. Hrothgar was a enormous King, admired by population everywhere. One day Hrothgar decided to build a manor h each(prenominal) to which no other was greater, and named this hall Heorot. Heorot was made of gold and fine jewels, and people from many kingdoms traveled to see it. Hrothgar and his Queen Wealhtheow would sit inside Heorot and leave alone away gifts to the people that came to visit. The Noble Earls (Danish Warriors) would also sleep in the great hall at night. All was well until an Ogre named Grendel, a colossus from hell, and a Satan who ruled over the swamps, went inside Heorot and killed the earls while they slept. No one found them until morning and this happened many times afterward. Soon Heorot was rarely occupied, and no one came to visit, for everyone feared the ogre Grendel would devour them as he did the others. The newsworthiness of Grendlel traveled to many kingdoms, and soon it reached the Geats from across the sea. King Hygelac, the king of the Geats, hear this news, and soon Beowulf heard it. Beowulf was the strongest, and boldest man in the Geat Kingdom. He was also the watchword of Ecgtheow, a great war hero. When he heard this news he was ready to jock the Danes. At first Hygelac, and the wise eldermen didnt involve Beowulf to go, because they feared he wouldnt return, but then yielded. Beowulf then chose 15 warriors, with the help of Hygelac and the wise eldermen, to go with him on his journey to defeat Grendel. Upon their arrival, the Geats were greeted by an earl of Hrothgar. The earl asked them who they were, wherefore they were dressed for war, and if they knew the password, and then noticed Beowulf. He was in shock for he had never seen a warrior like this one, and was sure that he was a hero. When Beowulf explained who they were, and why they were there, the earl quickly asked them to follow him to Heorot Hall. When faced with the... ...ch about the world around him. He is in a way, very gullible, innocent, and will listen to whatever anyone tells him. For the main(prenominal) characters, I would cast Peredur, Kay, Owein, and King Arthur.The setting that I would use would be France instead of Wales, and I would have most of it take place e in the forest as it is in the original. It will start out in the spring and end in the fall, early winter.It would be much of a drama, because with it being in medieval times, there are a lot of people falling in lovemaking, and people dying. Another agent for it being a drama is because, Peredur is more on a need to beco me a knight on Arthurs court, and he has to guard certain battles, making it more of a serious matter, rather than comedy.The topic that would be most difficult about making this a take is the women in his life. In each story Peredur falls in love with another, or compacts her his love. It would be hard to stick to the facts if you had to cut out all these women in his life just because he has made the same promise to each one. It would be very easy to do as a TV series though, because they have their characters fall in love with several(predicate) people all the time.