Thursday, January 31, 2019
Hemp Rediscovered :: essays papers
Hemp Rediscovered Make the most of the marihuana reservoir and sow it every where, a quote by George Washington in 1794 (qtd. In Get the Scoop). In early Ameri tramp biography hackamore was an essential crop, it was used to make rope, sails, lamp oil colour, and almost anything else. Henry get over built a car out of marijuana than ran on hemp fuel oil. The original Levi jeans were fashioned out of hemp fibers. And even the first off drafts of the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution were written on hemp paper (Get The Scoop). In fact, hemp was one of the largest produced crops in the US until its demise in 1937 under the Marihuana taxation Act. This act of congress was aimed at Americas newest enemy, marijuana or hempen necktie sativa C, still the bill also criminalized the cultivation of marijuanas cousin cannabis sativa L, commonly referred to as hemp. Hemp had one more day in the spot light in 1942 when it was called into battle in World war II under a flag that read Hemp for success (About). The Tax Act was quickly reenacted after the war and hemp has not been grown legally on American soil since. The contend hemp is such a valuable plant, is that it grows fast, dense, and easily. The germination period for hemp is about one hundred days depending on the application for which it is being used (About). In comparison with other cash crops this is good, further in comparison with some of the resources it can replace, such as trees and fossil fuel, there is nothing better. Hemp provides a much higher die than other American cash crops, and can be used for so many things that its market value should remain stable with increase production. Also, hemp can be grown without pesticides and it actually replenishes the soil so it can be rotated with other crops to produce higher yields of tubful (Field 1).The maintainability of the hemp industry relies on demand, but with hemps 25,000 varied uses this is no great ba rrier (About). With current processing technology every part of the cannabis sativa L plant is useful. The seeds can he hulled and used in food for flavor and as a protein supplement. These seeds can also be crushed into hemp-seed oil which is used as lamp oil or as a moisturizing ingredient in cosmetics and soaps.
Tuesday, January 29, 2019
Ralph and Jack in “The Lord of the Flies†Essay
Question 1There atomic number 18 a number of differences and a few similarities between Jack and Ralph. rootage of all the main similarity is the feature that both boys are some the same age. Then furthermore, there is the fact that both pf them are boys. In addition their share the quality of leadership, or in other(a) lecture both of them have the abilities to be a leader. Then on the other hand there are the numerous differences they in clued antithetical elan of leadership, different believes, maturity, and the symbol that they represent. Jack and Ralph have a very different style of leading.Ralph has a democratic leadership and Jack is more of a dictator figure. Then furthermore, there is the difference of believes, Jack believes that the main purpose on the island is to hunt and Ralph believes that it is to be saved. Then there is the maturity, Ralph is more get along with that Jack. And the last difference in the symbols that these characters represent, Jack represen ts the bad side of piece nature and Ralph represents the good side or democracy.Question 2 gross represents intelligence and thinking. This composition is proven through out the whole book, until his death. clenched fist of all there is the fact that because of Piggy the boys were able to create the fire. The secondary, idea is the fact that Piggy acts very mature through out the book. He is even more mature than Ralph. Piggy comes up with ideas that not a single other boy had though of. For example there is the fact that Piggy though of the sundial. Furthermore there is the idea that Piggy everlastingly reminds Ralph of their objective to the island, and which is to be saved.
Monday, January 28, 2019
Occupy Movement
Currently in the fall in States and in several countries around the creation individuals be speaking emerge and holding fend for issues important to the people of the knowledge domain. The issues include jobs, government assistance, foreclosures, granting immunity of speech, labor, education, and the banking industry. These protests are against the current high unemployment, greed, and corruption, economic inequality, and unjustified influence of financial corporations. Its called the pertain run which is labeled as a protest fore touch off.The current slogan for the take away movement is We are the 99%, which represents the inconsistency between the population and the wealthy 1% of the population. On September 17, 2011 the inaugural occupy movement took place In New York City called lease Wall Street. Occupy protests agree been ongoing since October 9, 2011 in over 600 communities in the United States, 82 countries and over 95 cities across the nation. This is a n on-violent movement lead strongly by the people of this nation.I feel as a citizen in the city, state or country you reside in each person should have the right to iron for his or her beliefs bear on him or her directly or indirectly. It construems as though with all the current occupy movements containn place the police presents has been a major occupation for the protestors. Instead of protecting and serving they are bullying and beating on protestors. I believe the more than people that defy up and core the movement the more powerful the revolution will cause.The Occupy movement has gone from the streets into homes. There is a Occupy Homes movement that has begun for people experiencing foreclosures. This has become the most recent of the Occupy movements. I watched a story of a young African American family experience a home foreclosure they had nowhere to go with 3 children. After consulting with the Occupy homes movement they decided to take shelter in another foreclos ed home. It was such an amazing site to see over two hundred eople show up to support the family. Individuals cheered orthogonal of the home with signs and bull horns and help the family occupy the home. We are slowing losing our rights the worse the economy becomes as individuals in this world there is no more important time to go unwrap and be a part of something so special. The Occupy movement reminds me of the Civil rights movement. Individuals in the world have become tired of his or her circumstances and have begun to speak out and get their voices heard.It seems as though everyday there is something occurring in the world that suggests taken our rights away. Currently in congress there is a point being debated on, that would allow the President to arrest citizens without the right to an attorney if the individual falls under the guidelines of being a terrorist. I believe with the Occupy movement in action and growing each day this is the amend time for the people of Amer ica and other countries to speak out and fight for change.I have begun to participate in the Occupy movement by becoming a part of the website designed for the Occupy movement. I compulsion to help in any way I can and shuffling sure my children have a sound understanding of the current economic situation the world is in. I believe all people should at least look into the current movement and research what it stands for. We as a people have to stick together and fight for the changes we feel are necessary in todays world. If we dont I am not sure what the end result will be after our rights get stripped away one by one.I believe the Civil Rights movement was a model for the current Occupy movement taking place. The Occupy movement is peaceful and when you watch the videos or see the clips they show on the news. People are chanting what he or she expects, what he or she wants and what he or she deserves. Take pride in becoming a part of reservation history with other individuals i n the world. Join the Occupy movement and stand for changes that need to take place in order for the people of this world to live his or her best life.References http// http//www.occupytogether.o
Understanding Employment Responsibilities and Rights in Health Social Care
Understanding Employment Responsibilities and Rights in wellness collide withionate C be or Childrens and Young Peoples Settings1. Know the statutory responsibilities and rights of employees and employers indoors testify area of work1.1 List the aspects of occupation covered by law. Almost every aspect of employment is covered by single or more laws, including the handling and storage of instruction, equal opportunities, injury cognitive processs, health and safety, holiday entitlements, maternity/paternity pay, stripped wage, sickness absence and pay, running(a) time limits, redundancy and retirement.1. 2 List the main features of current employment legislation. Employment rights, Equality and discrimination, Health and Safety, Data Protection.1. 3 Outline why legislation relating to employment exists. Legislation in sex act to employment was created in order to prevent employers from abusing or taking advantage of workers, and picture minimum requirements in areas s uch as minimum wage, safety standards, holiday entitlement, maternity leave, redundancy payments, discrimination and equality, working hours, age requirement.1.4 depict sources and types of information and advice for sale in relation to employment responsibilities and rights. Sources and types of information and advice available in relation to employment responsibilities and right are ACAS, CAB, confederations and readative bodies, work contract, policies and procedures, terms and conditions, and argumentation descriptions.2. Understand agreed ways of working that protect bear race with employer2. 1 draw the terms and conditions of induce contract of employment (see given up Offer of Employment).The terms and conditions which are covered in my contract are my job title, hours of work, holiday entitlement, absence, sick pay, notice of termination, grievance procedure, and the disciplinary procedure.2. 2 Describe the information doomn on let pay statement (see attached) My payslip contains the sideline information my name and home address, tax code (Basic Rate), National restitution Number, deductions (including tax and national insurance), year to date, the total that I encounter a bun in the oven been paying(a) so far this financial year, and net pay.2. 3 Describe the procedures to obey in event of a grievance. In the event of a grievance the very first step is talking to the manager. If the magical spell upcome is not copesettic then you can make a formal grievance complaint. The procedure should include the succeeding(a) steps writing a letter to your employer consideration out the details of your grievance, next a meeting with your employer to discuss the issuing, and at long last if the employers decision is still not satisfactory then an cost from the employers decision can be made.Your employer should arrange a yet meeting to discuss your appeal, and you have a right to ask each a colleague from work or a good deal union re presentative to accompany you to the meeting.2. 4 Identify the personalized information that essential be kept up to date with own employer The personal information that I must be kept up to date with my own employer are my mobile deed, address, bank details, and new health information which could prompt my job.2. 5 Explain agreed ways of working with employer The agreed ways of working with my own employer are within my job description.I am in addition expected to arrive at work on time, be cultivated and professional, to follow policies and procedures correctly to be respectful of other peoples background and personal choices. My own employer must provide me the correct tools I need to do my job in the best condition possible, as said in The Health and Safety Act, 1974 law (eg gloves and uniform). 3. Understand how own social function fits within the wider context of the sector3. 1 Explain how own role fits within the pitch of the service provided.The service undertakes to provide everyone with a safe service which promotes clients independence, dignity, and choice, plot ensuring their home is a safe place to live to promote clients stop over their lives, maintaining skills and independence and ensure that all inevitably are met on an individual basis, encouraging the clients to make own, informed decision about how their needs are met. Similarly, my role is to provide care to a standard and in a way that is accepted and promoted by my company.3.2 Explain the effect of own role on service provision. By providing the clients with competent care and following good practice I help to fulfil the companys goals as well as meet the individuals needs. By co-occurrenceing the clients in their physical care needs as well as social, apt and emotional needs, and liaising with other agencies, I promote the clients health and well-being.3.3 Describe how own role links to the wider sector. My role involves making sure that our clients are provided with adequ ate care and support.It is outstanding to understand the limits of the role and seek assistance to make with effects which are beyond the scope of social care, and liaise with other agencies to provide seamless care such as arranging and attending appointments, carrying out treatment, and therapy regimes.3.4 Describe the main roles and responsibilities of representative bodies that influence the wider sector. The main bodies that influence the Health and brotherly Care sector are government departments, professional bodies, trade unions, respective(a) skills councils and restrictive bodies.The main roles and responsibilities of the government departments are a responsibleness to promote the economic, social and environmental wellbeing of their communities. The professional bodies have a number of functions. They may set and assess professional examinations, provide support for Continuing Professional Development through learning opportunities and tools for recording and plann ing, stretch forth professional journals or magazines, provide networks for professionals to meet and discuss their field of expertise, issue a Code of Conduct to guide professional behaviour, deal with complaints against professionals and follow up disciplinary procedures.The representative bodies such as trade unions play an important role and are helpful in effective communication mingled with the workers and the management. They provide the advice and support to ensure that the differences of opinion do not turn into major conflicts. The central function of a trade union is to represent people at work. But they also have a wider role in protecting their interests.The sector skills councils create the conditions for addd employer investment in skills which will drive enterprise and create jobs and sustainable economic growth. The regulatory bodies exercise a regulatory function impose requirements, restrictions and conditions, set standards in relation to any activity, and se cure compliance & international ampereere enforcement. 4. Understand career pathways available within own and related sectors 4. 1 Explore several(predicate) types of occupational opportunities.There are different pathways available within Health and Social Care sector, including Adult Social Care, Healthcare Arts Therapy, Clinical congest Staff/Healthcare Assistant, Dentistry & Dental Hygiene, Medical Doctors & Surgeons, Medical Sales & Marketing, Nursing & Midwifery, Paramedic & Ambulance Services, Physiotherapy, Rehabilitation & Occupational Therapy, Psychological Therapy, Speech & diction Therapy Social Care Adoption & Fostering, Alcohol & affection Misuse, Children & Families, Domestic violence, Housing & Homelessness, Learning Disabilities, Mental Health, one-time(a) People, Physical & Sensory Impairment, Sexual Health, Social school, Youth Work & Youth Justice.4. 2 Identify sources of information related to a chosen career pathwa y. There is information available in colleges and nurture organisations, websites like careerpath, careerprofiles, Jobsite UK, etc also NHS Careers, Direct Gov Careers, and from your manager & colleagues).4. 3 Identify next steps in own career pathway.When I cop my QCF level 2 in Health and Social Care I would like to start level3. 5. Understand how issues of public solicitude may affect the image and delivery of services in the sector5. 1 Identify do where the public have raised concerns regarding issues within the sector. There have been legion(predicate) investigatings into the quality of care provided by care homes and domiciliary care companies. The investigation into the jest at of children in North Wales care homes, and abuse of the elderly in Winterbourne View & Cedar Grove were started by individuals who complained either to CQC or various newspapers and television news broadcasters.5.2 Outline different viewpoints around an issue of public concern relevant to the sector.There are various viewpoints around cases of abuse which have caused a public concern. wish of funding and government cuts, privation of specialist training and keeping up to date with new guidelines and regulations, Lack of trust and belief with the companies which need to make profit, and the responsible bodies such as social services, CQC, the police, care providers and care staff, the families of the victims, inadequate sharing of information with various outsiders who have input to the care given, bureaucracy, etc.5. 3 Describe how issues of public concern have altered public views of the sector.With more than quarter of care companies are not meeting standards on care and welfare, the public have seemed to disoriented faith in such regulators and companies as this has been recurring for a number of years. The media have issued a lot of publicity stating how care companies, social services, and regulators have let the victims down by simply not taking these cases soberly enough and ensuring the well-being and standards are being met. BBC1 and Channel 4 have been the main channels on television who have reported on such cases from being under cover within the sector to show the public what can go wrong within care.5. 4 Describe recent changes in service delivery which have affected own area of work.The number of reports of vulnerable elderly people has been on the increase over the recent years, and a need for changes within Health and Social Care sector has been highlighted. The areas of health and social care that have been place as needing special attention involvement, dignity and respect, meeting fundamental needs, advance to information and support, partnership working, personalised services, effective commissioning, flexibility and creativity, inclusion, and carer as partners in care. Myself and my colleagues have been made aware of these areas and solutions to possible difficulties by received fixture training on these issues.
Sunday, January 27, 2019
African American Musuem Essay
The African Museum in Philadelphia is notable as the first museum funded and reinforced by a municipality to help preserve, interpret and exhibit the heritage of African Americans. Opened during the 1976 Bicentennial celebrations, the AAMP is located in historic Philadelphia, a some blocks away from the Liberty Bell. Charles H. Wesley was a noted African American historian, educator, and author. He was the fourth African American to receive a Ph. D. from Harvard University. An ordained minister, Wesleys distinguished c arer included 40 years of leadership with the African Methodist Episcopal Church.In 1976, he served as Director of the Afro-American Historical and Cultural Museum in Philadelphia, now known as the African American Museum in Philadelphia. Programs The African American Museum that is located in Philadelphia, pop has some interesting education programs. These education programs focus on arts, culture, and heritage education. They place a major emphasis on the interes ts of the students, educators, artists, historians, scholars, and community organizations. These programs abide diversity with scheduling. The programs explore various African forms of cultural expressions.In these programs on that point are literary performances, hands on demonstrations, workshops, and storytelling performances as well. The African American Museum in Philadelphia feels its programs can be a vital link in the midst of the permanent and visiting collections for the many communities they serve. Exhibitions The exhibitions in the African American Museum in Philadelphia can some to be pleasing to the eye and stimulating to the mind. correspond to the African American Museum of Philadelphia these exhibitions invoke a deep collection of emotion ranging from pride and passion to excitement and enthusiasm.When visitors enter the museum they will come to heading 1, which includes a interactive timeline, images draw from historical record, that spans 100 years of histor y. In Gallery 2 there are full size exposure projections in which visitors can in engage in them. Once they are activated, a monologue about life in Philadelphia will begin. some(prenominal) other aspects of the exhibit include an experience where you can walk the streets of Philadelphia through with(predicate) a large scale map, which is located between galleries 1 and 2 .
Saturday, January 26, 2019
Capstone Project Essay
apple has been know to be an inherently in-person computer attach to. However, it is in addition hale cognize that there is no break out character of innovational strategic intellection and execution. orchard apple trees out sop up has remained to crrusting and sustaining value for customers across the introduction. Jobs returned to apple in 1997 and the family never looked back up since. However, it is in like manner said that apple lost the pc business beca work of ignoring the trends in pc industry. apples business dodging is primarily found on insane asylum for creating diametricaliated crossings. It has built products that argon cool to usage as well as simple and intuitive. Its products are top hat known for the amazing experience they provide. However, orchard apple tree kept taking calculated risks and entered tonic securities industrys boldly. It was visible in the release of innovative products standardised iPod, iPh iodine etc. inherently it is a pc participation and uses its competencies in growth hardware and package for develop effective, efficient and innovative products. In fact, its iPad, iPod, iPh cardinal and Mac are all(prenominal) computers. (Harris, 2010) orchard apple trees achievement is mainly the result of innovative engine room and design re hoting.In this way we kitty see that Apple has enjoyed go on success in the trade by origination and matchless design. Apples vision is likewise based on continuous innovation which is visible in the products it makes. Its mission is withal to be the loss leader in the digital revolution by making revolutionary products. We know that Apple is the trade leader in term of most innovative electronic products and the customers choice overly. The business environment for Apple Company is extravagantlyly agonistical both domestically and globally. (Harris, 2010) However, its products qualify as global products and are want by customers all around t he globe. In fact it is through innovation that the connection has remained a global leader in terms of technology. Its iPhone took the world by storm in 2007. Apple has strong capabilities in product design and engineering as well. In fact the brilliant hollo boom was sparked by Apple through its release of iPhone in 2007. Initially, the market was shaped by the customers in US and other developed markets. However, the addition for smart shout market is now coming from the Asian and developing countries mainly.However, if anyone is challenging its position then it is Samsung which has emerged as a competitor for Apple. bank a few years ago, Samsung was bonnie laborious to catch up in the smart-phone market. Now, a character from macrocosm the worlds largest technology beau monde by revenue, Samsung has set Apple on its back foot. It is now trying to overtake Apple. Samsungs galaxy series became the customers mouthful soon after entering the market. In fact Samsung is con cheekred to be the best when it comes to learning from its competitors. But they to a fault remain customer centered at the identical prison term. In fact Samsung keenly observes what its competitors are postulateing to the market. It keeps a watch over the recent trends and does not take much time to release its own version of the innovation. (Nisen, 2013) Apple besides has a extensive cash pile, but when it comes to taking risks and putting the money lavatory it, Samsung appears to be far beforehand of Apple. away from that Samsung also spends a larger part of its revenue on question as compared to Apple. It spends 5.7% of its revenue on research as compared to Apples 2.4.Actually, Samsung is a diverse business that is make of chips, displays and a variety of other technology. Its main benefit to Samsung comes in the recoil of the force to compete on expense and clear upering features which others mucklenot. However, it is authoritative to notation that Samsu ng is more than than just a smart-phone maker. It is a conglomerate, a manufacture as well as the worlds largest chip maker. These factors play in Samsungs favor. Many of the components of the smart phones are made by Samsung itself which gives it a address expediency. (Nisen, 2013) When we compare Samsung with Apple we can see that Apple relies on outer partners, which just abouttimes also leads to difficulties and delays. Though Apple has a well-managed and futuristic supply chain, yet it does not have the cost advantage like Samsung. atomic number 53 grand factor regarding Samsung is that it has provided many meeker end options for the developing world. In fortune Samsung continues to bring game changing products to the market like its Galaxy series, it can move from a close second to creationness the market leader.Samsungs advertising expenditure is also quite advanced which has really paid it as well. Samsung has been successful domestically as well as globall y. Its most products especially the galaxy series has taken the markets in the developing world by storm. (Nisen, 2013) Apple is considered to be the market leader in the computer software and hardware industry. The main reason behind its growth and success over years are the innovative products it has brought to the market. One of the most important strengths of Apple is its incredible brand loyalty. It has a precise high number of brand loyal customers. These customers result even line up before Apple stores at night in halt cold to be the first to lay their hands on a new released iPhone, iPad or Mac. Strong financial strength is also a major strength off Apple. obscure from these occasions Apple is also known for its strong brand reputation and strong advertising and marketing teams and its retail stores. We already know of Apple as the leading innovator in the industrious device technology. However, apart from the above mentioned strengths there are round weaknesses also .As analysts have mentioned without Steve Jobs in leaders, the pace of innovation at Apple has slowed down a bit. Recently it also faced problems from its main provider and formulater Foxconn which led to unwanted difficulties and delays. So, its reliance on external suppliers gets to be one of its primary weaknesses. by from that Apple operates in a highly competitive industry and the competition sometimes affects its margins also. Its profits are also affected callable to similar but low priced offerings from its competitors. Another important weakness which generally goes in the favor of its competitors is that its products are generally high priced. This all has also led to a decline in the market share of the company. However, despite all the above mentioned weaknesses it can certainly not be denied that Apple is a customer steeringed, futuristic and innovative company and it is certainly due to its pore on design and innovation that the company has a vast array of opportu nities assailable before it.Its main luck lies in the growth of smart-phone and t opent market. Increased demand for iPhones and iPad also brought new opportunities for Apple. With iPad mini the company has also set its foot in the depressed t suitablet market. Despite the innovations it has brought till now to the market, the company has pipe down solid room left to innovate further. In fact its opportunities lie in continuous innovation. Release of the TV is also being seen as a peachy opportunity for Apple to amaze its customers which it does like no one else. However, it is not easy to be and remain the market leader and it holds professedly regarding Apple also. apart(predicate) from that its reliance on external suppliers has also proven a affright for it. Competitors like Samsung have the cost advantage since they produce their parts themselves. This is a major threat for Apple which it cannot afford to neglect. The company is increasingly threatened by the price pressure from Samsung over mention components.Samsungs main strength lies in its change product portfolio. In fact the company has a really large product portfolio which includes mobile phones, tablets, TV, camera, pc, printers and many more items. In most of these product categories Samsung itself holds a epochal market share. It is forthwith the number two in terms of market share in the cell phone industry. Not just this Samsung was able to catch Nokias market share by superior innovation in smart phones. away from that Samsung has also remained forrader consistently in terms of design and innovation. A real important strength of Samsung is that it has been able to take advantage of the markets of growing economies. In fact it has been able to bump a large market share in the growing economies because of its low end products. Another key strength of Samsung is that most of its products can easily be integrated with conglomerate softwares. It is not so with Apple and its devices are generally not compatible with different operating brasss.Apart from being known for its innovation and design, Samsung is well known for its relatively sixpenny products. Added to all this is Samsungs global brand recognition. But apart from its strengths Samsung has some weaknesses also. Firstly, it is not as ahead in terms of software and hardware as Apple. It does not have either its specific operating system or software. It is a very important advantage for Apple and to lead the number one in the industry Samsung would expect to beat Apple. Apart from it, Samsung is focused on making too many products and its profit margins are also very low. Its competitors like Apple are the largest buyers for its electronic equipments also. Still there is a large pool of opportunities lying open before Samsung which is mainly due to increased demand for smart phones in the developing economies.Its galaxy series has been a great hit globally. Apart from that demand for quality products from Samsung has also risen greatly. The expansion of tablet market has also brought new opportunities for Samsung and the company has also obtained large benefits from it. The main threat before Samsung is the fall in the prices of smart phones. Samsung faces increased threats from Apple because of its innovative technology and design also. Apples release of ITV is also being seen as a threat for Samsung. Technological change is happening quickly and Samsung willing also need to innovate consistently to remain at the position it is. Price wars as well as decreased margins also bring additional threats for Samsung. Generally companies have to adapt their business strategies and products to different cultures when they are trying to trade to various countries with different cultures.This is referred to as globalization. However, this thing does not become very important for companies like Apple which sell nothing but innovation. English is a global language and Apple s designs are generally simple and easy to use. As much(prenominal) Apple does not face great difficulties trying to adapt to various cultures and its strategy roughly remains the same across cultures. As we can see that cultural differences do matter in business. unless, Apple sells the same iPad in Tokyo as it does in Toronto. (Jacobs, 2010) Instead of competing on localization, Apples competes on the pace of innovation across cultures and countries. It is due to its pace of innovation that today it is a global brand. However, the case is different for Samsung, which is said to design globally but adapt locally for success.Every day it ships millions of products to customers around the world. Samsung believes that it is important t to understand the local culture to meet the local needs. It is indispensable to understand the local culture to understand the customers preferences. One important ex international amperele of its globalization strategy is its establishing of Lifesty le research labs in various countries including UK and India as well as Singapore and China. (Samsung, 2013) Apple has some distinct organisational competencies which differentiate it from others. Its competencies include its business model, incarnate culture focus on customer as well as control of the entire ecosystem. why Apple is generally able to generate lots of buzz is because of its finical attention to design like its founder Steve Jobs. Most importantly it is the ability and practice of putting user experience first that keeps Apple ahead of others. Apple is known for being customer focused and it reflects in the success of its products.Apple is known for its design and ease of use. Its iPhone is in fact a great example of the same. Apart from innovation and technology there is one other core competency that is the key driver behind Samsungs success. Samsung believes in building an organizational culture of learning and development. Samsung has also completed a work culture that promotes learning and development for its employees. The company has also established a Creative Development Research Institute governing body to provide its employees with the opportunity to pursue creative ideas. This initiative is aimed at boost the employees to develop creative ideas and be more entrepreneurial. Samsung has a highly diversified product portfolio and it is also in more places than Apple. But it sometimes also results in diverted focus. If possible Samsung should try to limit it so that it can focus on specifically important products. Apart from that Samsung would need to throne much more in innovation and design to pull customers off iPhones. It will also need to go beyond marketing and just bigger screens.Samsung has been concentrating on offering cheap products for the markets in developing countries. Yet it remains to do more on innovation as the proficient market keeps changing rapidly. Samsung will need to specifically concentrate on design and better technological innovation. Apple has been winning due to its focus on innovation and design. However, it is not having a very significant advantage which is of producing the components for its iPhones. It is also relying on external suppliers and it leads to difficulties and delays. Apple should especially concentrate on its suppliers. In this backward consolidation can be highly right-hand for Apple. In this way it will be able to have better control over its suppliers which will minimize delays and other difficulties. Apart from that it will also provide Apple with significant cost advantage.Apple has in fact used beforehand vertical integration to reach at hand(predicate) to its customers. It has opened Apple stores in multiple countries around the world. Apple is thinking of opening newer Apples stores in the markets it has tapped newly. In fact it does not just bring Apple closer to its customers but is also an example of effective corporate level strategy. The po pularity and demand of Apples products is high. As a result Apple is trying to reach a larger number of customers through its own stores, since scalpers jack up the prices. However, the strategy that worked in the favor of Apple was that of diversification. Apple diversified itself from computers to consumer digital lifestyle and entered the mobile phone market also. Since then it also brought a vast range of game changing products to the market which became highly successful. In case of Samsung the backward vertical integration strategy has worked. Many of the components that go into the smart-phones are made by Samsung itself and the company also gains significant cost advantage due to it. Apart from that this strategy also benefits it by allowing it higher flexibility in terms of what and when it produces.In fact Samsungs business model is based to a great extent on this competency. The corporate governance structure of Apple is intentional keeping in mind effective decision making as well as appropriate monitoring of compliance and performance. The board of directors at Apple oversees the CEO and the senior management. This monitoring is do in sanctify to ensure ethical and operation of Apple Inc. In fact it is an efficient method to monitor that the top management is on the job(p) ethically and properly. Apart from that this method also ensures that there are no frauds or manipulations as well as prevents any problem at the corporate level. Apart from that the board also conducts a self-evaluation to find if the board and its committees are working properly. The compensation committee does an annual fall over of the executive performance including the CEO. This review is also evaluated by the board to ensure the CEO is providing effective leadership to the company.The board of directors at Samsung is composed of seven members of which four are external directors. This ensures the independence and transparency of the boards decisions. The board of directors also meets on a regular basis to discuss management issues and other important things. The directors are not allowed to call for in business activities in the same industry without approval from the board. It has been done especially to minimize any risk of conflict of interest or unethical behavior. Samsung is a company considered to be over hierarchical and also to be harnessd by its founding family. There has been significant rebuke of its governance structure. Firstly, the company should stop its owner centered managing system since due to it the company cannot remain independent of its chairman. The rights of minority shareholders as well as economic justice get eroded in this system. Samsung will need to change this structure. (Kim, 2012) The company should follow a structure where there is more transparency related to ownership.Apart from that to improve its profitability and sustain its position, Samsung will need to invest more and move further in terms of innovation. It will also need to move its focus from products to customers. In case of Apple, it will need to adopt its business strategy to obtain cost advantage like Samsung. One major drawback of Apple is that its products are very costly generally. In this regard Apple should go for backward integration to obtain significant cost advantage. Apart from that the company should continue to focus on innovation and design to remain competitive. Apple has been using forward vertical integration successfully but it also needs to use backward integration for further success and managing costs. Pressure from competitors like Samsung is cost increase and company will need to be focused on managing the price issue to beat the competition. The smart phone market is currently drive by two factors.These include large screens as well as cheap products. However, Apple currently provides none of these. Despite not being the most attractive segment cheap devices still drive the gross revenue v olume. A number of second tier Asian brands have also started eating into Apples market share. The fight between Apple and Samsung is going to be really hard. Apart from it both companies will also have to fight hard for their respective positions in the market against the emerge challengers. Apples target continues to remain the high end market. It has still held itself from releasing a low cost product since it may eat into its profitability. Currently, Apple and Samsung are the only vendors who have their market shares in pronged digits.Yet, their combined market share fell in 2013 which denotes that the road ahead is going to be tough. Still, the two are the most dominant players in the global smart phone market. In fact the decline was for the most part due to inability of Apple to grow according to the broader smart phone market. However, it is still the market leader. (Osawa & Grundberg, 2014)But on the other side it cannot be denied that Samsung has been inching closer through its strategy of innovation and price competition. In fact if Samsung is able to manage its winning spree as it did in case of Galaxy smart phones, it will grow at smart pace than Apple. Apple would have to pay attention to certain other things also apart from differentiation through design and innovation to hold off its leadership position. Still, taken together these companies seem to be dominating the smart phone market and will continue to for the coming years.ReferencesNisen, M. (2013). Samsung Has A altogether Different Strategy From Apple, And Its Working Great. In Business Insider. Retrieved family 6, 2014, from http// And-Its-Working-Great/articleshow/21250813.cmsJacobs, E. (2010). Navigating cultural differences. In Financial Times. Retrieved folk 6, 2014, from http// 00144feab49a.htmlaxzz2w9RbDZqJSamsung Designs globally and Adapts Locally for Wo rldwide Success (2013). In Samsung. Retrieved September 6, 2014, from http// Osawa, J., & Grundberg, S. (2014). Apples Smartphone Market Share Drops as Samsungs Edges Up. In Wall Street Journal. Retrieved October 16, 2014, from http// Harris, M. (2010). New Product Marketscreate and dominate them Apple style In Harconllc. Retrieved September 6, 2014, from http// content/uploads/2013/04/DominateMarketsAppleStyle.pdfKim, L. (2012). Samsungs family battles over corporate governance, will it be a risk? In Quamnet. Retrieved September 6, 2014, fromhttp// le=EN_US
Thursday, January 24, 2019
Health Assessment Essay
Assessment of environmental processes includes agents and factors that may ca phthisis injury, illness, or close. Choose one of the following age groups toddler, preschool, and school-age child. List some of the close to frequent causes of injuries, illness, or death at the age level. Discuss and see safety concerns specific to the age, listing the most common causes of injury, illness (acute or chronic), trauma, and death for the age level. Describe how health promotion and health streak interventions can be incorporated into p arent and child teaching.Including in-text citations and references for each of the studious sources used. Respond to other learners posts in a manner that initiates or contributes to discussion. School-age children, seem daily exposure to environmental agents and factors that may cause injury, illness, or death similar to those of all other age groups. Physical agents such as fires mechanical agents such as bicycles, skateboards, and cars biological a gents such as bacteria chemical agents such as asbestos and radiological agents such as x-rays are the causes of injuries or death.Accidents are the leading cause of death in children all over age 1 year in the United States. Accidents from contact sports and cuts, falls, burns, and injuries from firearms, are also increasing. Typically school-age boys have got more accidents than girls, perhaps due to differences in personalities, societal expectations, child-rearing practices, and more risk-taking behaviors. Most accidents happen outdoors, and it occur mostly in summer because of outside lay out.The nurse has a significant role in educating parents and school personnel on ways to prevent dangers to school-age children and to become heterogeneous in public initiatives to create a safer society for them. Parents of these children must be involved in community and legislative activities that provide safe unravel environments. Each child should have a well-maintained bicycle, rid e only in safe areas approved by parents, observe rules for vehicle traffic and use a federally approved riding helmet.Parental supervision when children play close to streets and heavy traffic areas. Children should wear a set smash or be in age-appropriate booster seat as compulsory older children should ride with restraint system and in back seat until age 12. Working smoke detectors should be in place in home and school. Children need to engage in age-appropriate activities and wear protective equipment fit in to the sport. Parents need to ensure safety and maintenance of all sports equipment.Children should play with friends, have a plan for returning home, know home phone descend and address, play in safe and known area, and report any rum activity threatening their safety to an appropriate adult. Children should know how to locate helper when in an unsafe situation. Children should avoid insecticides, radiation sources, inappropriate use of medications, and contaminat ion sources parents need to store all known toxins, chemicals, and household cleaning agents in an adequately ventilated location that is unreachable to children. Edelman, Mandle. Health Promotion passim the Life Span, 7th Edition.
Wednesday, January 23, 2019
Frankensteins Cat Essay
In China, the adult males manufacturing powerhouse, a recent patience is taking shape the mass production of mutant mice. Peek into the 45,000 creep cages at Shanghais Fudan University and youll see a growing collection of misfits. By randomly disabling the gnawers ingredients, the scientists here ar churning come to the fore hundreds of odd living beings, assembly-line style. They book created mice studded with skin tumors and mice that grow tusks. Theres a creep with male-pattern baldness, hair everywhere save for a only(a) b ar spot on its head. virtu tot exclusivelyyy of the mice pick bug break unnamed behavioural quirksthey undyingly bury marbles, for instance, or shake off only left gamblings. wizard strain ages at warp speed. An early(a) pilet notice pain. While numerous of the rodents commit obvious abnormalities, other(a)s reveal their secrets oer time. matchless variety appears normal on the outside, with thick sporting fur and rubicund pi nk ears and noses. hardly the faunas atomic number 18 klutzes. They argon clumsy and spectacularly uncoordinated. They part miserably when researchers put them by dint of their paces at a special rodent boot camp.In wholeness test, the mice atomic number 18 tasked with standing on crest of a rotating rod for as broad as they stool manage, the rodent equivalent of a logrolling challenge. Its not an easy undertaking, besides normal mice eventually find their footing. The mutant mice neer do. They also bear trouble balancing on a narrow wooden broad pour forth and keeping their grip when suspended, upside d protest, from a wire screen. And they have extraneous gaitstaking abnormally wide steps and holding their tails at odd angles, curved up toward the ceiling, instead of letting them app bently heave along the floor behind them, as mice usually do.Even stranger, perhaps, argon the L unityly Hearts Club mice. The males of this strain look corresponding unfluctuating rodents, but the egg-producing(prenominal)s consistently refuse to mate with them. The poor guys, lacking some(a) certain je ne sais quoi, simply have no sex appeal, and they argon rejected time and time again. These mice ar just a weakened sample of the much than 500 different kinds of mutants the Fudan team has created. Ultimately, the researchers hope to create 100,000 strains of modified mice, all(prenominal) eccentric in its own way.It would be copious to fill a carnival sideshow thousands of times everyplace. * * * As long as were dreaming up animal sideshows, we neednt finish with unexpended mice. Science has tending(p) us a whole overbold tool cabinet for shrink froming with life, and we have the power to neuter animals in profound new ways. We are editing their inherited regulations, rebuilding their broken bodies, and supplementing their natural senses. Headlines frequently promulgate the birth of strange new creatures Bionic beetles Glowing vomit ups S pider goats Robo ca-casThe breakthroughs are simultaneously dumfounding and puzzling. What are these creatures exactly? What do they look ilk? Whos creating them, and why? And are these animals really so novel? Indeed, we have a long history of refashioning animal bodies. Take the varied members of the species genus Canis lupus familiaristhe ultramodern pawlwhich are products of millennia of life with gentlemans gentlemans and bear lower-ranking resemblance to their ancestors, venerable wolves. Exactly how this dog domestication began is a win of intense debate.Some scientists suggest that we deliberately set out to bugger off fueline companions, adopting bad wolf pups. some others hypothesize that hungry wolves, attracted to the bones, trash, and scraps produced by early humans, approached our camps on their own terms, and that our tolerance of the least threatening interlopers gave go to future ingredientrations of human-friendly privyines. Either way, as wolves beca me part of human society, moving from cold-blooded ground to warm hearth, they lost numerous a(prenominal) of the traits they needed to defy in the wild.Their bodies and heads shrank, their faces and jaws grew more compact, and their teeth decreased in size. As our relationship with canines developed, we began to broth them more carefully, molding dogs that excelled at specific tasks. We created the bulky, barrel-chested mastiff to guard our homes, and the dachshund, a wriggling salami of a dog, to shimmy into badger burrows. The diversity among modern dogs is so astounding that the thirty thousand dogs that strut their canine stuff at Crufts, the largest dog show in the world, dont even look wish well members of the same species. hotshot year, the Best in Show contenders included King, a hound with a deers build, all legs and lean muscle, and Ricky, a tiny black-and-white fluff ball who could stand easily underneath Kings smooth brown belly. They shared the ring with Donnya banal poodle whose shaved gray haunches were set off by a thick white maneand Cruella, an Old side shepherd dog whose long, shaggy hair obscured all but the black dot that presumably served as her nose. Today, thank to us, dogs are the closely physically diverse species on Earth.Weve reshaped other species, too, crook scrawny chickens into plump broiler birds and bristlyhaired wild sheep into producers of soft wool. The reheel goes on and on. We acquireed to caudex animals that suited our every need, creating hunters, herders, guardians, food sources, and companions. everywhere the menstruate of componentrations, the members of m each species diverged from their wild ancestors and took their place in a human world. But selective replica was a blunt instrument, one that demand us to transform animals using educated guesswork, breeding desirable hounds together, over and over again, until a whelp we liked squirmed into the world.It took thousands of years to turn wolves i nto dogs. immediately we can create novel organisms in years, months, even days. Today, the tools of molecular biology allow us to target one specific divisor, to instantly turn it on or off, to silence or amplify its effects. For instance, the researchers at Fudan University are creating their stunning array of strange mice simply by knocking out a single broker at a time. To do so, theyre relying on a special communicable tool called a jumping gene or a jumping gene, a segment of DNA open of hopping around the genome.When the scientists inject a transposon into a mouse embryo, this outside piece of DNA inserts itself into a random place in the rodents genome, disabling whatever gene it finds in that respect. But the real dish aerial of the trunk is that when this mouse grows up and mates, the transposon jumps to a different view in the genome of its pups, sabotaging a new gene. With each mating, researchers have no persuasion where the transposon allow for end up, wha t gene it will disrupt, or what the net effects will be. Its like throwing darts at a genetic dartboard. Blindfolded.Only when the pups are born, and start exhibiting several(a) abnormalities, do the scientists learn what part of the genome has gone haywire. The approach is allowing the researchers to create cages upon cages of novel mutants, simply by playing matchmaker between their amorous rodents. In some grammatical cases, the scientists are making furry freaks faster than they can figure out whats wrong with them. We can also recombine genes in ways that temperament never wouldjust consider a very curious cat skulking some in the buff Orleans. With downy orange fur and a soft pink nose, the feline looks like your average tabby.But movie on a black inflammation, and the cat becomes Mr. Green Genes, his nose turning from soft pink to electric lime, due to a bit of man-of-war DNA tucked into each of his cells. The insides of his ears and the whites of his eyes diversify brightly, his face acclivitous from the dark like a modern-day Cheshire cat. (His son, Kermit, also glows dark-green. ) Meanwhile, nearly ii thousand miles away, a barn in Logan, Utah, is home to a strange herd of goats. Thanks to a pair of genes borrowed from a spider, each female goat produces milk thats chockfull of silk proteins.When the milk is processed in the laboratory, scientists can extract the spider proteins and spin them into silk. Genetics isnt the only vault of heaven providing us with the power to re engine driver other species. Advances in electronics and computing make it assertable to merge animal bodies with machines, to use tiny electrodes to hijack a rats straits and guide the rodent, like a remote-controlled toy, through a complicated obstacle course. Breakthroughs in materials science and veterinary operating room are functioning us build bionic limbs for injured animals, and we can train monkeys to control robotic arms with their thoughts.Today, ou r grandest science fiction fantasies are decent reality. * * * Some of us may find our growing control over living, breathing beings to be unsettling. After all, biotechnology is the stuff of dystopian nightmares, and many an apocalyptic scenario has been constructed around crazy chimeras or world-conquering cyborgs. Ethicists and activists worry some whether we should be falsifying other species when we cant possibly get their consent. Some say that ma feelulating the planets wild thingswhether were inserting genes or electrodesis profoundly unnatural, causes animal suffering, and turns other life-forms into commodities.Critics worry that our effort to remake the worlds fauna is the worst example of human hubris, the expression of an arrogant rely to play God. Its true that remaking other species according to our own wants and needs doesnt necessarily put animal wel farthermoste first. discriminating breeding hasnt always turned out well for animalsweve attach dog breeds wi th all sorts of hereditary diseases and created turkeys with such gigantic breasts that they can precisely walk. And of course, biotechnology gives us new ways to do damage.The Fudan University scientists have created mouse embryos with defects so severe that they die in the womb. Some of their mutant mice are prone to tumors, or kidney disease, or neurological problems. ane strain, unable to puff nutrients from food, essentially starves to death. In fact, a whole diligence has sprung up to manage diseased lab animals to scientists, with numerous biotech companies hawking their unique creations. In October 2011, many of these companies converged on St. Pete Beach, Florida, for an international meeting of scientists who work with genetically modified organisms.Representatives from various biotech bulletproofs held court from booths ringing a hotel ballroom, advertising animals that had been engineered to suffer from all sorts of medical examination afflictions. One guild was exchange pigs with cystic fibrosis and cancer a cusp from some other outlined eleven available strains of rodents, from the NSE-p25 mouse, roleed to display Alzheimers-like symptoms, to the 11BHSD2 mouse, which has a tendency to drop dead of heart failure. (And just in case nothing on that point caught your fancy, one companys poster promised, You design the experiment, well design the mice.) These companies arent making sickly animals purely to be cruel, of course studying these creatures yields valuable insight into human disease. Thats good word for us, but little consolation for a tumor-riddled rodent. If there is peril here, there is also great promise. Biotechnology could do more for animals than its given credit for. Sure, we can make animals sick, but we can also need to deploy our speciesshaping powers to help other species survive and thrive, to create healthier, happier, fitter critters, and some scientists are doing just that.With the sophisticated techniques at o ur fingertips, we may even be able to undo some of the damage weve done to other species, alleviating genetic dis sets in dogs, for instance, or bringing wild animal populations back from the strand of extinction. Some forwardthinking philosophers are dreaming of more extreme interventions, such as boosting the brainpower of apes, and using genetic modification and electronic deepenment to help animals transcend the limits of their own bodies. Right directly all the options are open.though biotechnologys strange new creatures are being created in the worlds labs, they dont tend to stay there very long, and there are already cutting-edge animals living in palm, homes, and nature preserves across America. Before long, we may all be able to shop for animals the same way that scientists in Florida shopped for carefully engineered mice. compute a future in which we can each pick out the perfect animal from a catalogue of endless options. We could create something for everyone. avid nighttime reader? How about your own Mr. Green Genes so you can stay up late, reading by the light of the cat?For the twelve-year-old who has everything, slew the toy cars and planes at Christmas and wrap up a remote-controlled rodent. Equestrians could order up a foal with the same genes as the winner of concluding years Kentucky Derby, while sprinters could get themselves a well-heeled retriever whose conventionalised carbon-fiber legs would allow it to run as fast as a greyhound. The tools of biotechnology are becoming increasingly accessible to the public future generations of animal lovers may be able to design their own creatures without fancy lab equipment or advanced scientific training.* * * In the pages that follow, well go on a journey from petri dish to pet throw in, seeking out the revolutionary breeds of beasts that are taking their places in the world. Well venture from the rocky shores of California to the dusty fields of Texas, from the canine clones that live in Korean labs to the pets that sleep in our homes. Well prod into genes and brains, into work that seems frivolous and projects that are anything but. Well meet an engineer who is turning beetles into hinder planes and a biologist who believes cloning just might save peril species.And, of course, well come to know the animals themselvesfrom Jonathan, a sad sack of a mould with hundreds of online friends, to Artemis, a dominancely life-saving goat whose descendants could one day take a crap over Brazil. Along the way, well puzzle through some larger questions. Well investigate how our contemporary scientific techniques are different from whats come in the set outning and whether they represent a fundamental change in our relationship with other species. Well consider the relationship we have with animals and the one wed like to have. almost of us care deeply about some form of animal life, whether its the cat or dog curled up on the couch60 percent of Americans share their homes with pets of one species or anotherthe chickens laying our eggs, or some strange predator fighting to survive as its habitat disappears. Now that we can sculpt life into an endless parade of forms, what we choose to create reveals what it is we want from other speciesand what we want for them. But even if you feel no special affection for the creatures with whom we share this planet, our reinvention of animals matters for us, too.It provides a peek into our own future, at the ways we may start to enhance and alter ourselves. Most of all, our grand experiments reveal how entangled the lives of human and nonhuman animals have become, how intertwined our fates are. Enterprising scientists, entrepreneurs, and philosophers are dreaming up all sorts of projects that could alter the course of our collective future. So what does biotechnology really mean for the worlds wild things? And what do our brave new beasts say about us? Our search for answers begins with a tank of animated lean. 1. Go slant To an aspiring animal owner, Petco presents an embarrassment of riches.Here, in the basement of a New York City storewhere the air carries the sharp tang of hay and the thick musk of rodent dander is a squeaking, squealing, almost endless menagerie of potential pets. There are the spindly-legged lizards scuttling across their sand-filled tanks the preening cockatiels, a spray of golden feathers atop their heads and, of course, the cages of pink-nosed white mice training for a wheel-running marathon. There are chinchillas and canaries, dwarf hamsters, direct frogs, bearded dragons, red-footed tortoises, red-bellied parrots, and African fat-tailed geckoes.But one of these animals is not like the others. The subtile pet owner in search of something new and different exactly has to head to the aquatic display and keep walking past the flecked koi and fantail bettas, the crowds of gold tilt and minnows. And there they are, cruising around a small tank hush-hush be neath the stairs inch-long candy-colored fish in shades of cherry, lime, and tangerine. Technically, they are zebrafish ( Danio rerio), which are native to South Asian lakes and rivers and usually covered with black and white stripes. But these swimmers are adulterated with a smidgen of something extra.The Starfire Red fish tame a dash of DNA from the sea anemone the electric Green, Sunburst Orange, Cosmic Blue, and Galactic Purple strains all have a nip of sea coral. These borrowed genes turn the zebrafish fluorescent, so under black or grubby lights they glow. These are GloFish, Americas first genetically engineered pets. Though weve meddled with many species through selective breeding, these fish mark the beginning of a new era, one in which we have the power to directly manipulate the biologic codes of our animal friends. Our new molecular techniques change the game.They allow us to modify species quickly, rather than over the course of generations doctor a single gene inste ad of worrying about the whole animal and create beings that would never exist in nature, mixing and matching DNA from multiple species into one great living mash-up. We have long desired creature companions adapt to our exact specifications. Science is finally making that precision contingent. * * * Though our ancestors knew profuse about heredity to breed better working animals, our ability to tinker with genes directly is relatively new.After all, it wasnt until 1944 that scientists identified DNA as the molecule of biological inheritance, and 1953 that Watson and Crick deduced DNAs double helical structure. Further experiments through the 50s and 60s revealed how genes work inside a cell. For all its likely mystery, DNA has a straightforward job It tells the body to make proteins. A strand of DNA is composed of idiosyncratic units called nucleotides, strung together like pearls on a necklace. There are four distinct types of nucleotides, each containing a different chemica l base.Technically, the bases are called adenine, thymine, guanine, and cytosine, but they usually go by their initials A, T, C, and G. What we call a gene is merely a long sequence of these As, Ts, Cs, and Gs. The order in which these letters appear tells the body which proteins to makeand where and when to make them. Change some of the letters and you can alter protein manufacturing and the final characteristics of an organism. Once we cracked the genetic code, it wasnt long before we figure out how to manipulate it.In the 1970s, scientists set out to determine whether it was possible to transfer genes from one species into another. They isolated small stretches of DNA from Staphylococcusthe bacterium that cause staph infectionsand the African clawed frog. Then they inserted these bits of biological code into E. coli. The staph and frog genes were fully functional in their new cellular homes, making E. coli the worlds first genetically engineered organism. Mice were up nigh, a nd in the early 1980s, two labs reported that theyd created rodents carrying genes from viruses and rabbits.Animals such as these mice, which contain a foreign piece of DNA in their genomes, are cognise as transgenic, and the added genetic sequence is called a transgene. Encouraged and inspired by these successes, scientists started moving DNA all around the animal kingdom, swapping genes among all sorts of liquid, slithering, and hurrying creatures. Researchers embarking on these experiments had multiple goals in mind. For starters, they simply knavish to see what was possible. How far could they push these genetic exchanges? What could they do with these bits and pieces of DNA?There was also great potential for basic research taking a gene from one animal and putting it into another could help researchers learn more about how it worked and the role it played in development or disease. Finally, there were declare commercial applications, an opportunity to engineer animals wh ose bodies produced highly desired proteins or creatures with economically valuable traits. (In one early project, for instance, researchers set out to make a leaner, faster-growing pig. ) Along the way, geneticists developed some neat tricks, including figuring out how to engineer animals that glowed.They knew that some species, such as the crystal jellifyfish, had evolved this talent on their own. One moment, the jellyfish is an unremarkable transparent blob the next its a neon-green orb floating in a dark sea. The secret to this light show is a compound called green fluorescent protein (GFP), naturally produced by the jellyfish, which takes in blue light and reemits it in a kiwi-colored hue. Hit the jelly with a beam of blue light, and a ring of green dots will suddenly appear around its bell-shaped body, not unlike a string of Christmas lights wrapped around a tree.When scientists ascertained GFP, they began to wonder what would witness if they took this jellyfish gene and pop ped it into another animal. Researchers isolated and copied the jellyfishs GFP gene in the lab in the 1990s, and then the real fun began. When they transferred the gene into roundworms, rats, and rabbits, these animals also started producing the protein, and if you blasted them with blue light, they also gave off a green glow. For that reason alone, GFP became a valuable tool for geneticists. Researchers testing a new method of genetic modification can practice with GFP, splicing the gene into an organisms genome.If the animal lights up, its obvious that the procedure worked. GFP can also be coupled with another gene, allowing scientists to determine whether the gene in question is active. (A green glow means the paired gene is on. ) Scientists notice other potential uses, too. Zhiyuan Gong, a biologist at the National University of Singapore, wanted to use GFP to turn fish into living pollution detectors, swimming canaries in underwater coal mines. He hoped to create transgenic fi sh that would blink on and off in the presence of toxins, turning bright green when they were swimming in contaminated water.The first step was simply to make fish that glowed. His team accomplished that feat in 1999 with the help of a parkland genetic procedure called microinjection. Using a tiny needle, he squirted the GFP gene directly into some zebrafish embryos. In some of the embryos, this foreign bit of biological code managed to sneak into the genome, and the fish gave off that telltale green light. In subsequent research, the biologists also made strains in redthanks to a fluorescent protein from a relative of the sea anemoneand yellow, and experimented with adding these proteins in combination.One of their published papers showcases a neon rainbow of fish that would do Crayola proud. * To Richard Crockett, the co-founder of the company that sells GloFish, such creatures have more than mere scientific valuethey have an obvious aesthetic beauty. Crockett vividly remembers le arning about GFP in a biology class. He was captivated by an image of brain cells glowing green and red, thanks to the addition of the genes for GFP and a red fluorescent protein. Crockett was a premed student, but he was also an entrepreneur. In 1998, at the age of twenty-one, he and a childhood friend, Alan Blake, launched an online education company.By 2000, the company had become a casualty of the dot-com crash. As the two young men cast about for new business ideas, Crockett thought back to the luminescent brain cells and put a proposal to Blake What if they brought the beauty of fluorescence genes to the public by selling glowing, genetically modified fish? At first, Blake, who had no background in science, thought his friend was joking. But when he discovered that Gong and other scientists were already fiddling with fish, he realized that the idea wasnt far-fetched at all.Blake and Crockett wouldnt even need to invent a new organismtheyd just need to take the shimmering schoo ls of transgenic fish out of the lab and into our home tanks. The pair founded Yorktown Technologies to do just that, and Blake took the lead during the firms early years, setting up shop in Austin, Texas. He licensed the rights to produce the fish from Gongs lab and leased two commercial fish farms to breed the pets. (Since the animals pass their fluorescence genes on to their offspring, all Blake needed to create an entire line of neon pets was a fewer starter adults.) He and his partner dubbed them GloFish, though the animals arent technically glow-in-thedarkat least, not the same way that a set of solar system stickers in a childs bedroom might be. Those stickers, and most other glow-in-the-dark toys, work through a scientific property know as phosphorescence. They absorb and store light, reemitting it gradually over time, as a soft glow thats visible when you turn out all the lights. GloFish, on the other hand, are fluorescent, which means that they absorb light from the mil ieu and beam it back out into the world immediately.The fish appear to glow in a dark room if theyre under a blue or black light, but they cant store light for later turn the artificial light off, and the fish stop shining. Blake was optimistic about their prospects. As he explains, The ornamental fish industry is about new and different and exciting varieties of fish. And if new, different, and exciting is what youre after, what more could you ask for than an animal engineered to glow electric red, orange, green, blue, or purple thanks to a dab of foreign DNA?Pets are products, after all, issue to the same marketplace forces as toys or clothes. Whether its a puppy or a pair of heels, were constantly searching for the next big thing. Consider the recent enthusiasm for teacup pigstiny swine cute enough to make you swear off pork chops forever. Harold Herzog, a psychologist at Western Carolina University who specializes in human-animal interactions, has studied the way our taste in animals changes over time.When Herzog consulted the registry of the American Kennel Club, he found that dog breed choices fade in and out of fashion the same way that tyke names do. One minute, everyone is buying Irish setters, naming their daughters Heather, and listening to bennie and the Jetswelcome to 1974 and then its on to the next great trend. Herzog discovered that between 1946 and 2003, eight breedsAfghan hounds, chow chows, Dalmatians, Dobermans, Great Danes, Old English sheepdogs, rottweilers, and Irish setterswent through particularly pronounced boom and bust cycles.Registrations for these canines would skyrocket, and then, as soon as they reached a certain threshold of popularity, people would begin searching for the next fur-covered fad. Herzog identified a modern manifestation of our long-standing bear on in new and unusual animals. In antiquity, explorers hunted for far-flung exotic species, which royal households often imported and displayed. Even the humble goldf ish began as a luxury for the privileged classes. Native to Central and East Asia, the wild fish are usually covered in silvery gray scales.But ancient Chinese mariners had noticed the occasional yellow or orange variant wriggling in the water. Rich and powerful Chinese families collected these mutants in private ponds, and by the thirteenth century, fish keepers were breeding these dazzlers together. Goldfish domestication was born, and the once-peculiar golden fish gradually spread to the homes of less-fortunate Chinese familiesand households elsewhere in Asia, Europe, and beyond. As goldfish grew in popularity, stock breeders stepped up their game, creating ever more unusual varieties.Using artificial selection, they created goldfish with freakish and tremendous features, and the worlds aquariums now contain the fantail, the veiltail, the butterfly tail, the lionhead, the goosehead, the golden helmet, the golden saddle, the bubble eye, the telescope eye, the seven stars, the st orks pearl, the pearlscale, the black moor, the panda moor, the celestial, and the comet goldfish, among others. This flare-up of types was driven by the desire for the exotic and exquisiteurges that we can now satisfy with genetically modified pets.We can also use genetic engineering to create animals that appeal to our aesthetic sensibilities, such as our sense of taste for brightly colored creatures. For instance, a 2007 study revealed that we prefer penguin species that have a splash of yellow or red on their bodies to those that are simply black and white. Weve bred canaries, which are naturally a dull yellow, to exhibit litre different color patterns. And before GloFish were even a neon arc in Blakes eye, pet stores were selling painted fish that had been injected with unreserved fluorescent dyes. With fluorescence genes, we can make a true rainbow of bright and attractive pets.* Engineered pets also fit right into our era of personalization. We can have perfume, granola, and Nikes customized to our individual specificationswhy not design our own pets? Consider the recent snarf of designer dogs, which began with the science labra draw, a cross between a Labrador retriever and a standard poodle. Though theres no telling when the first Lab found himself fancying the wellgroomed poodle down the street, most accounts trace the origin of the modern Labradoodle to Wally Conron, the breeding director of the Royal Guide Dog Association of Australia.In the 1980s, Conron heard from a blind woman in Hawaii, who wanted a guide dog that wouldnt aggravate her husbands allergies. Conrons solution was to breed a Lab, a traditional seeing-eye dog, with a poodle, which has hypoallergenic hair. Other breeders followed Conrons lead, arranging their own mixed-breed marriages. The dogs were advertised as providing families with the best of twain worldsthe playful eagerness of a Lab with the smarts and hypoallergenic coat of the poodle. The rest, as they say, is histor y.The streets are now chock-full of newfangled canine concoctions puggles (a pug-beagle cross), dorgis (dachshund plus corgi), and cockapoos (a cocker spaniel plaything poodle mix). Theres even a mini Labradoodle for doodle lovers without lots of space. Tweaking the genomes of our companions allows us to create a pet that fulfills virtually any desire some practical, some decidedly not. When I set out to get a dog, I thought I had settled on the Cavalier King Charles spaniel small, soft, and bred for companionship.Then I discovered a breeder who was crossing Cavaliers with miniature poodles, yielding the so-called Cavapoo. I was sold. I love the scruffier, shaggier hair of the Cavapoo, and given what I knew about biology, I figured that a hybrid was less likely to inherit one of the diseases that plague dangerously inbred canines. A dog that didnt shed would be an added bonus. Plus, poodles have a reputation for being brainy, and Im an overachiever if I was discharge to get a dog, I wanted to be damn sure hed be the valedictorian of his puppy kindergarten class.
Monday, January 21, 2019
Hard Times Essay
Firstly, dickens bleak choice of names for the characters reveals much about their individual personalities. Gradgrind, the informteacher, epitomises Dickens rebuke of his contemporary educational system, which was based on the principle that facts are noesis. The name metaphorically suggests that he is grinding down his pupils image and successor it with facts in their memory. The name also h former(a)s connotations of the gradual, crying motion of grinding which mirrors the dull, repetitive manner in which he teaches his pupils.Also, the name Gradgrind is composed of hard seem syllables, giving the impression he has an unfriendly nature and is unapproachable. Gradgrinds categorical name suggests that he himself has been ground down by the nature of the friendship he now promotes. The MChoakumchild school emphasises the hated impression of school in the nineteenth century. Corporal punishwork forcet is frequently seen in Dickens contemporary schools and here, the name hold s exaggerated implications, to the extent of death.He refers to the school as all fact, showing that the next generation were brought up to be identical to the last. The children are being made into a product of fact, strongly linking with the theme of industrialisation. The school headmasters name, MChoakumchild, suggests a ken about his character, especially given his position at the school. The name associate with the theme of fact and fancy strongly by implying that the childrens imagination was choked.Although the name Mr MChoakumchild suggests that children were forbidden to use their imagination, at the same age it sounds as if children made it up. Mr Bounderby believes himself to be morally superior to the inhabitants of Coketown who stand infra his social status. However, Dickens portrays him as a hypocrite and although he is of a high social status, he is morally corrupt. Bounderby is representative of all men of his social status at that time, and through him Dickens reveals an obvious ohmic resistance to such people.Coketown is portrayed as an unwelcoming, unfriendly place. Dickens uses numerous shining images to create this impression it was a town of unnatural red and blackness like the painted face of a tearing. This image holds implications of hostility and unwelcoming territory. It suggests a vicious nature to the town, suggesting that those who live there are primitive and old fashioned. The use of personification brings the town to life, giving it the intimidating characteristics of a savage.
Thursday, January 17, 2019
Racine’s Phaedra
Phaedra, a tragic play created and popularized by Jean B. Racine is an account of the possible pros, cons, and mellow ills or frailty experienced by erotic cognize-stricken people depicting their accept strength and weaknesses. The play implicitly showed different types of get along that are popular in reality where there could be a kind of self-denying and sacrificial love that makes a person stronger and pushes the lover to exert stars best and do good in life (that love of Hippolytus to Aricia) the self-centered, selfish, and possessive love (the kind of avenging love showed by Phaedra with respect to his inconstant husband, Theseus and her incest love for her stepson, Hippolytus) and last but not the least, the disloyal and unfaithful love of Theseus to his wife, Phaedra.Body Racine presented in this play the different attitudes of men when under the save of love it is implied as that it makes or breaks a person. At best, love could not only make a person (the lover) to attain maven and only(a)s full potential of doing good due to the inspiration achieve from the object of love but in like manner, at worst, love can guide to hatred and vengeance once the expected love is not returned or is ab utilise by pain-crashing disloyalty.Moreover, as loves pros and cons are demo by the author in this literary piece, good and evil was also portrayed by effects and consequences of each kind of love discussed in the aforementioned statement. Conclusion Love thus, follows the principle that You reap what you sow if used as a weapon to avenge the painful sorrow, it may pass on and lead to ones own destruction and further taint (bad karma). Once love is used and treated as inspiration, it has good results and it motivates (good karma). However, if one feigned against love, treachery would be its same cost.
Wednesday, January 16, 2019
Dystopian Essay (Essay of Definition) Essay
Dystopian Essay(Essay of definition)Ultimate Goal1. Define, in your eyes, what makes a dystopian party2. Use our 3 novels, Harrison Bergeron, and at least 2 scholarly articles to influence your concept of dystopiaAccording to the New World Encyclopedia, dystopia is outlined as follows A dystopia (from the Greek - and , alternatively, cacotopia, kakotopia, cackotopia, or anti-utopia) is the vision of a society that is the opposite of utopia. A dystopian society is one in which the conditions of sustenance are miserable, characterized by human misery, poverty, oppression, violence, disease, and/or pollution. While there father been actual societies which have experienced most if not both of these characteristics, the destination dystopia is largely a literary term, referring to a class of literary flora that serve as cautionary tales against some form of totalitarianism of the odd or right. Some academic circles distinguish between anti-utopia and dystopia. George Orwells ninete en Eighty-Four is a dystopia beca ingestion its leaders do not aspire to or use the rhetoric of utopia to justify their power. Orwells Animal Farm is a classic anti-utopia, in which the pigs come to justify their leadership in the hit of creating a utopian society. The literature of dystopia draws on the human experience of the affliction of states and ideologies to create the utopias, or nonetheless the more modest aims of good governance, practically abridging human freedom in the name of some ideal that leads to authoritarian, even totalitarian consequences.Yet, what other elements are included in a dystopian society?Based upon our readings of Harrison Bergeron, Fahrenheit 451, Anthem, and Animal Farm, you indigence to come up with a working definition of a dystopian society. You will need to consult 2 other academic, informational, scholarly articles/sources to better inform your intimacy of dystopias.Based upon class discussions, we piece of tail determine that the follow ing elements are/can be part of a dystopian societyChose one of the above (or come up with your own). This will be your working definition of a dystopia (it might help if your definition has more than one requirement to meet). victimisation the 3 novels, Harrison Bergeron, and the 2 articles as sources, prove that your definition is an accurate exposition of dystopia.RequirementsSourcesMust use a total of 6 sources (3 novels, HB, 2 articles) CitationsMust cite from each novel at least in two ways (thats 6 citations).6Must cite from the other sources at least once (thats 3 citations). +3An additional citation (any of the 6 sources) (thats 1 citation). +1TOTAL =10I. Introduction The DefinitionA. You will use this paragraph to explore the history and different takes on what makes a dystopian society/novel. This is where your 2 academic, informational citations will be mentioned. throughout this paragraph, you will pare down pass the information until youve narrowed the concept do wn to your working definition. B. thesis This is where you tell us that the books are dystopias because they meet requirements A, B, & angstrom unit C.II. Requirement AHow do the novels meet this first requirement? (Not all novel need demonstrate this requirement, but it would make a stronger line of descent if they did.)III. Requirement B(see above)IV. Requirement C(see above)V. closureHow does your definition of a dystopia offer something new, something different? Please do not just reprize your thesis and topic sentences.Brief Outline 2Organized gibe to each novel/storyI. Introduction The Definitiona. You will use this paragraph to explore the history and different takes on what makes a dystopian society/novel. This is where your 2 academic, informational citations will be mentioned. Throughout this paragraph, you will whittle down the information until youve narrowed the concept down to your working definition. b. Thesis This is where you tell us that the books are dystopi as because they meet requirements A, B, & C.II. Book 1 (Animal Farm)a. How does this book meet all of your requirements for a dystopia? You are only involve to use 2 quotes from the book, but make sure you address all of the necessary requirements mentioned in your thesis.III. Book 2 (Anthem)(See Above)IV. Book 3 (Fahrenheit 451)(See Above)V. pathetic Story (Harrison Bergeron)*Since you are only required to cite from this story once, you may want to incorporate this paragraph / information with one of the above*VI. ConclusionHow does your definition of a dystopia offer something new, something different? Please do not just restate your thesis and topic sentences.
Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad
pic KOLEJ PROFESSIONAL MARA INDERA MAHKOTA, KUANTAN slope 1102 INTRODUCTION TO WRITING ASSESMENT 3 TITLE BIOGRAPHICAL RECOUNT disposed(p) BY DIANA AQILA binTI KHAIRUDDIN ID NUMBER IDI 12-01-041 PREPARED FOR MADAM HAZLINA BINTI MOHD KASIM SUBMISSION DATE APRIL 20, 2012 grant INFORMATION SHEET An assignment Information sheet needs to be attached to each assignment. Please fill in all expound clearly and staple to the front of each assignment. Full name DIANA AQILA BINTI KHAIRUDDIN sort DEC 1B Email (if applicable) email& one hundred sixtyprotected comStudent ID IDI 12-01-041 Course DIPLOMA IN side of meat COMMUNICATION (DEC) Course Title INTRODUCTION TO WRITING Code ENG 1213 desig area no 3Due Date APRIL 20, 2012 grant topic BIOGRAPHICAL RECOUNT TUN DR. MAHATHIR BIN MOHAMAD Academic lag member MADAM HAZLINA BINTI MOHD KASIM Students comments (e. g. if extension phone was granted) I declare that the work contained in this assignment is my own, except where reference of sources is made. Signed ________________________________ Date APRIL 20, 2012 Academic staff members comments note Use Date received Assessment/grade Academic staff member Recorded Share/All Eng Unit Stuff/ Assignment Information Sheet He is the symbol of modernization.The longest serving primitive Minister of Malaysia and Asia, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad is a hero who brings Malaysia from the third- man country to 17th largest trading nation in the world. His out substantiateing vision and breadth of principle were impressed and feared by many others world leader. The purpose of this biographical recount is to highlight on his personal life, politic history and achievements. Born as Mahathir bin Iskandar email&160protected, he is aboutly known as Che Det among Malaysians. Eventhough his registered birth date is 20 December 1925 but the actual date is 10 July 1925. The reason stinkpot this is because during that ra, his father wants to avoid hassles regarding age while reg istering for entering schools session. Grow up in a family that emphasized on the greatness of academic as well as the teachings of Islam are the secret that makes him as a great leader. Despite being only half Malay and half Indian Muslim heritage, he generally considers himself to be Malay. He is known as the sole fighter of Malay nationalism, who fights for Malay success or Lordship. Due to his primary profession as a presidency doctor, he had to restrain himself from getting involved in either governance or business.However, aft(prenominal) he left Government service in 1958 to set up his own medical practical, her politic journey began when he was elected as a member of the Kedah UMNO committee. From Minister of Education to re centerment Prime Minister, he finally reaches the top on 16 July 1981 after the former third Prime Minister, Tun Hussein Onn. Although there was numbers of event, import and controversial happenings under his leadership include removing of the vet o power and the kinglike immunity from prosecution, he never give up but stand proud with his own stance without failure.During his 22 years of serving period, he embarked on various large scale national projects, such as the Multimedia Super Corridor, Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) in Sepang, and an adjacent conventionality One circuit, Olympic-class stadium in Bukit Jalil and the Petronas Twin Towers that once become the worlds tallest building. In addition, he was considered to be one of Asias most influential leaders and also noted as an outspoken connoisseur of Western-style in the Western world. As for Malaysian, he has been granted the soubriquet of bewilder of Modernization as for his economic development efforts.It is obvious that Dr. Mahathir was a remarkable leader sent by Heaven. Whatever judgments that neither his admirer nor his critics gave, his place in Malaysian history is secure as the amount of efforts he possessed for Malaysias peace, security and prosperity are amazingly remarkable. (447 words) REFERENCES Abdullah, A. (2008) Dr. Mahathirs Selected Letters to World Leaders, Marshall Cavendish, Malaysia, pg. 16-21 Cox, K. &038 Hill, D. (2004) EAP now English for Academic Purpose, Pearson Longman, Australia, pg. 111 Mahathir, M. 2011) A Doctor in the House The Memoirs of Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, MPH, Malaysia, pg. 1-326 Savage, A. &038 Mayer, P. (2005) Effective Academic Writing 2, Oxford University Press, sweet York Suzieana, U. A. (2009) A leadership scheme for international young executives hopes to unravel the disposition of Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad and groom transdisciplinary leaders, Internship Understanding an Icon, News Straits Times Online, http//www. nst. com. my/channels/learning-curve/internships-understanding-an-icon-1. 35465 ( 17 April 2012)
Tuesday, January 15, 2019
Statistical Package For Social Sciences Education Essay
This chapter shall show the information ga in that respectd in the study and interview conducted by the research worker. The quantitative consequences self-possessed beneathg whiz versatile statistical trials by dint of the usage of Statistical Package for Social Sciences ( SPSS ) . The qualitative informations obtained from the interviews were discussed and analysed in parity to the bing literature.Cronbach s AlphaNormally, the Cronbach s Alpha dependability coefficient ranges between 0-1. moreover, in that respect is no existent bound for the coefficient. The closer Cronbach s alpha coefficient is to 1.0 the great the internal torso of the points in the calibrated tabularize. establish upon the expression _ = rk / 1 + ( k -1 ) R where K is the figure of points considered and R is the mean of the inter-item correlativities the surface of alpha is determined by both the figure of points in the graduated table and the average inter-item correlativities. George and Malle ry ( 2003 ) provide the undermentioned regulations of pollex _ &038 gt .9 Excellent, _ &038 gt .8 Good, _ &038 gt .7 Acceptable, _ &038 gt .6 capitulumable, _ &038 gt .5 Poor, and_ &038 lt .5 Unacceptable .In the instance of the obtained informations, the dependability coefficient is.887 which indicates good dependability coefficient. While increa gabble the prize of alpha is partly dependent upon the figure of points in the graduated table, it should be noted that this has decreasing returns. It should besides be noted that an alpha of.8 is probably a sensible end. It should besides be noted that while a high value for Cronbach s alpha indicates good internal consistence of the points in the graduated table, it does non intend that the graduated table is unidimensional. The dimensionality of the graduated table can be computed utilizing the broker analysis which will be discussed in the following subdivision. federal agent abbreviationThe method followed here was to first take the initial rejoinders of the participants with a position to choosing a subset of features that might act upon far responses. Then, study responses were analysed at the point tier, utilizing figures, tabular arraies, or text entirely, to tag on a first feeling.These point mark responses were scrutinised for underlying forms via factor analytical processs ( Note that all processs reported here utilise SPSS ) . A emergency for including an point was that responses were non excessively severely skewed ( i.e. , 90 % or more than of responses clustered in individual cell ) and that more by and large, the degree of response to that point was non deficient ( &038 lt 15-20 % ) to destabilize analysis. The factors determine in this flair correspond to the primary subjects or latent variables to which letter writers seem to be reacting in footings of assorted related points.The protocol adopted here for factor analysis was to utilize default scenes ab initio ( Princ ipal Axis Factor PAF ) and to revolve the matrix of burdens to obtain extraneous ( independent ) factors ( Varimax rotary transaction ) . The premier end of factor analysis is to individuality simple ( points loadings &038 gt 0.30 on merely one factor ) that argon explainable, presuming that points are factorable ( The Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin step of laborious adequateness trials whether the partial correlativities among variables are little. bartlett s trial of globularness trials whether the correlativity matrix is an individuality matrix, bespeaking that the factor theoretical account is unfitting ) .Once clearly defined and explainable factors had been identified ( Factor loadings = &038 gt .10 were illustrated via an include tabular array even though merely point burdens &038 gt 0.30 were considered germane(predicate) to factor burdens ) , and responses related to these factors were saved in the signifier of factor tonss. These Bartlett factor tonss are tantamount to sub-s cale or scale tonss with agencies of nothing and example divergences of one ( z-scores ) , and with participants credited with separate tonss in congress to each identified factor.A Principal Axis Factor ( PAF ) with a Varimax ( extraneous ) rotary motion of 22 of the 24 Likert scale inquiries from this study questionnaire was conducted on informations gathered from 20 participants. An scrutiny of the Kaiser-Meyer Olkin step of trying adequateness suggested that the sample was factorable ( KMO=.698 ) .descriptive StatisticssThe descriptive statistics computed the mean, standard divergence, and the discrepancy of in between constituents of the variable presented. give in 1 shows the sum-up of the said calculation. The calculation revealed that it has -3.439 random effects on the variables. add-in 1 thick of Descriptive Statistics Computation of VariablesNitrogenMeanStd. divergenceStd. Mistake95 % Confidence Interval for MeanMinimum maximalBetween- Component DiscrepancyLower Bou ndaryUpper Bound75385.005.2923.05571.8698.14798976288.50.707.50082.1594.85888977189.00....898978182.00....828279187.00....878780189.00....898982194.00....949483188.00....888884190.00....909085487.75.957.47986.2389.27878986180.00....808087485.755.9652.98376.2695.24779088189.00....898989489.252.0621.03185.9792.53879290381.679.0745.23959.13104.21759292187.00....8787 completed3086.774.614.84285.0488.497594ModelFixed Effectss4.953.90484.8388.71Random Effectss.904a84.84a88.69a-3.439an different(prenominal) high daub of the descriptive statistics is the frequences of the evaluations fulfild by the kindergartners. Tables 2 and 3 summarize the frequence.Table 2 Summary of Preschoolers Rating Frequency before Portfolio AssessmentFrequency servingValid Percentage cumulative PercentageValid7539.710.010.07626.56.716.77713.23.320.07813.23.323.37913.23.326.78013.23.330.08213.23.333.38313.23.336.78413.23.340.085412.913.353.38613.23.356.787412.913.370.08813.23.373.389412.913.386.79039.710.096.792 13.23.3100.0 whole3096.8100.0MissingSystem13.2Entire31100.0Table 4 Summary of Preschoolers Rating Frequency after Portfolio AssessmentFrequencyPercentageValid PercentageAccumulative PercentageValid7513.23.33.37713.23.36.77813.23.310.07913.23.313.38013.23.316.78213.23.320.087722.623.343.38839.710.053.389929.030.083.39026.56.790.09226.56.796.79413.23.3100.0Entire3096.8100.0MissingSystem13.2Entire31100.0 one and only(a) Way abbreviation of Variance ( analysis of variance )One manner Analysis of Variance ( ANOVA ) is done with the dependant variable which is the version discipline of the kindergartners with the independent variable which is the portfolio judgement.The computed F value for the tonss of the kindergartners is.745 which is greater value of significance which is.711. This show a spell outant consequence of the portfolio idea in the add-on of acquisition of the kindergartners based on a 0.05 degree of significance.Discussion of QuestionnairesQuestion 1 What are the t hings that can actuate kids to be interested in reading?Based on the gathered consequences some of the kids are motivate to be interested in reading by agencies of the ocular artworks that attend the stuffs. Besides, the kids are motivated based on the accomplishment scheme of the instructors during the talks. Another relevant factor in the kids s involvement is the wages system of rules being given if they are making great in their several(prenominal) work.Question 2 In your observation, close how long does it take for kindergartners to follow out entire reading startment?Based on the consequences gathered, most kindergartners achieve entire reading development in about six months. This is in close coordination of instructors every bit good as the parents in practising their kids. However, there are kindergartners that develop their full reading ability in about a twelvemonth. Assorted factors affect this such as the kid s involvement, sum of coordination and monitoring of p arents among others.Question 3 Based on your experience, what is the feedback that you micturate from schoolchilds when they are making their portfolios?Based on the consequences gathered, the common feedback that pupils have with prise to their portfolios is that it s really interesting and they find it really utile towards the betterment. However there are pupils that are happening the portfolio really hard and finds it as a challenge.Question 4 What differences do you detect in the spoil of clip of reading development activities where portfolios are involved and those that are non?Based on the collected consequences, the major difference observed in the developing activities of the pupils under the portfolio is that their comprehension has been improved. Besides, their involvement towards reading has been improved. Although there are pupils that does nt escort to do a difference towards their reading attitude and wonts.Those pupils that are non under the portfolio did non do any difference with respects to their reading attitude and wonts anterior to the survey.Question 5 Do you believe the responses to these portfolios depend on the root word of kids that are being taught?Based on the gathered information from the instructors, the assorted responses of the kids on the portfolios being taught depends upon the age group of the kids. This was observed by the instructors with cured pupils that develop their involvements and reading attitudes significantly. On the other manus, younger pupils under the portfolio does nt assure to develop every bit much involvement as that of the previous(a) 1s.Question 6 Based on your passe-partout experience, does a portfolio idea consequence accurately reflect the degree of reading development of a kid?Based on the consequences gathered from the victor experience of the instructors, the portfolio appraisal can reflect the accurate degree of the kid s reading development. As per Chen and Martin ( 2000 ) portfol io appraisal makes usage of happy standards that are indexs of success. Portfolio appraisal is an efficient tool for finding a pupil s learning degree and degree of betterment. Portfolio appraisal besides encourages student-teacher interaction and therefore encourages synergistic larning utilizing diverse instructional methods. Numerous surveies ( Chen &038 A Martin Colley &038 A Walker, 2003 ) demonstrate that portfolio appraisal can be helpful in bring oning acquisition, funnily in reading ( Afferblach, 2007 Hillmer &038 A Holmes, 2007 ) .Question 7 Describe the terminus to which you believe the usage of portfolios in the schoolroom has improved reading direction.The instructors interviewed in the survey believed that the extent of the betterment in the reading direction by agencies of the portfolios are alpha. Portfolios can supply grounds that pupils have met criterions that a categorisation of learning techniques are used in the schoolroom, and that pupils are activ ely meshed in larning ( Damiani, 2004 ) . Portfolios can assist instructors assist pupils realistically appraise themselves by supplying specific qualitative ends and forms that avoid vagueness, unrealistic positive or negative self-evaluation, either-or thought ( the work is either good or defective ) , or perfectionism ( Damiani ) .Question 8 Based on your experience, should the usage of these portfolios be implemented in all schools that teach preschool kids?Based on the response of the instructors, they believe that the execution of the usage of portfolios in schools that teach preschool kids is in topographical point. Student portfolios can besides function as theoretical accounts for instructors to develop their ain portfolios to demo their professional development. A instructor s professional portfolio could include a statement of learning doctrine videotapes of successful categories, contrast of study stuffs developed class course of study sample lesson programs pro fessional development ends and aims, professional development seminars, categories, or workshops attended articles published pupil ratings acknowledgment awards or certifications professional associations, and principal s and supervisor s ratings ( Attinello, Lare, &038 A Waters, 2006 ) .Question 9 What betterments can you propose for the betterments of these portfolios?Most of the instructors suggestions sing the betterment of the portfolios are the customization of the portfolios into assorted reading ability degree. Portfolio-based appraisal is one option to standardise assessment methods and is believed to offer more authority as an appraisal method ( Miholic &038 A Moss, 2001 King, Patterson, &038 A Stolle, 2008 ) . While attacks involved in this method differ, they have in common digests of the work activities of pupils, besides know as the pupil portfolio ( Au, Raphael, &038 A Mooney, 2008 Berryman &038 A Russell, 2001 Hillmer &038 A Holmes, 2007 ) . This aggreg ation shows the attempts exerted by pupils and their personal academic development and accomplishment. Included in the aggregation are indicants of the engagement of pupils in choice of contents, standards for choice and judging virtues, and confirmations of the pupil s self-reflection ( Miholic &038 A Moss Hillmer &038 A Holmes, 2007 ) . The portfolio is intended to incarnate a digest of the plants or attempts by pupils considered as their best that is, pupils personal choices of their sample work activities and of import paperss that pertain to accomplishments and advancement ( Lynch &038 A Struewing, 2001 Hope, 2005 ) .Question 10 What other stairss or processs do you urge to back up portfolio appraisal of kindergartners?The most common recommendation based on the instructors responses is the portfolio should be customized depending on the degree of reading ability of the pupils. In some attacks, instructors normally scan by the portfolio and measure the work with ment ion to a hiting usher. In some instances, pupils or their schoolmates would besides rate their plants. A acquisition record is so prepared by the instructor, which shows the concluding mark with affiliated confirmations such as a sample essay ( Lynch &038 A Struewing, 2001 Hillmer &038 A Holmes, 2007 Hope, 2005 ) .DecisionChapter 4 is the presentation of the consequences, analysis and treatment of the informations gathered from the respondents of this survey. The quantitative informations gathered were analysed utilizing the statistical trials Cronbach s Alpha for dependability of the information gathered Factor Analysis for the scrutiny of the initial responses of the respondents and One Way Analysis of Variance ( ANOVA ) for the dependant and independent variables. On the other manus, the qualitative informations were discussed in relation to the bing literature sing the topic of the survey.The computed informations revealed that there s a important consequence of the portf olio appraisal in the addition of acquisition of the kindergartners based on a 0.05 degree of significance.
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